Monday, February 9, 2015

Conservative Outpost 2/9

Conservative Bits from 

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Jordanian Kings Response to Murder of their Pilot

This is the type of retribution the ISIS terrorists need to have inflicted upon them... It's a shame another country had to be the ones for grow a set and stand up to these barbarians. We had Ft Hood and the beheading in Oklahoma take place on American soil and where was our president? Oh yeah he was rounding the 9th hole on the golf course! 
All you can say to this is...
Why can't the Obama administration take this same approach to dealing with ISIS terrorists!! I guess when your a Muslim sympathizer you do everything going in your power to provide aid and comfort to the enemy so long as they're Muslim! 
Keep the executions of ISIS terrorists coming... We cannot stop until ISIS is wiped from the face of the earth! 
The king of Jordan  views a sever response to the killing of their servicemen... Obama can't even refer to ISIS as Islamic!! 
Clearly the king of Jordan  knows how to get things done... 
From the looks of things this "US lead" coalition is not so much US lead anymore! 
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If You Like Your Internet, You Can Keep Your Internet

According to FCC Chairman we have too regulate the Internet in order to keep it free... Last time I checked the Internet was the last bastion of freedom we have in this world. Wake up people there's an underlying reason why the government wants to get its tentacles into the Internet!! 

Just look at how the government manages healthcare... That is what will happen should the government get control of the Internet!
If you like your Internet, you can keep your Internet! 

Young Conservative 
#tcot #RedNationRising 

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