Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Conservative Outpost 2/3

Conservative Bits from

Twitter / Facebook 

and Around the Web

The Debate Over Vaccinations and Whether or Not Government Can Issue a Mandate for Them

While we are all sitting here going back and forth debating whether or not the government has the right to mandate children receive vaccinations Obama take full advantage of the media hype to further implement his socialist agenda by granting even more work permits for illegals!! Hello people wake the hell up, I constantly say be aware of what is going on in the background when you become consumed with what the media is shoving down your throats! 

Of course the RINOs are coming out in favor of vaccinations... They're no different than the big government liberals when it comes to government control over the people! It's all about CONTROL!! 

Require vaccinations?? Since when does the government have power over our bodies and what we put in them?? Just wait pretty soon the government will be mandating we have chips in us because you know it will be "for our own good." 

Getting a straight answer from the Obama administration on anything is a complete JOKE!! 

The Sick and Disgusting Murder of the Jordanian Pilot and Obama's Reluctance to Call Out Radical Islam

The lack of conviction of this president is utterly pathetic!! The king of Jordan has the balls to not only call out the radical jihadis that did this, he had the wherewithal to exact revenge the same day!! 

What is it going to take to wake people up to these animals and what they are capable of?? We can't even call them out for what they are, Islamic radicals, as they move from beheading to burning someone alive in a cage!! 
The least John Kerry could do is issue an apology on twitter!! How about moving from social media to actually taking action!! 
One can't help but wonder if Obama will postpone his golf game to address the heinous act committed yesterday by ISIS!! 
World leaders can condemn the attacks while our so called leader is busy on the golf course!! 

I agree that not all Muslims are terrorists and most do indeed condemn this act... We need to see the Muslim community stand up against this and we must stand beside them as they fight a life or death fight! 

Words cannot explain the sorrow I have for this poor man. We must condemn ISIS and radical islamists who defend this! 

Coach Belichick Spotted in Don't Tread On Me Shirt Before Superbowl 

On one end we see individuals promoting a false notion and using their platform to incite pathetic protests that consisted of people who didn't even know what they were protesting for... On the other we see an individual wearing a shirt that promotes freedom and liberty!! Which side are you in? 

February 2nd Declared Chris Kyle Day
in Texas 

Texas governor Greg Abbot declares February 2nd Chris Kyle day. 

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising

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