Thursday, August 18, 2016

What Hillary Clinton's Failing Health Means to You

As more and more reports surface that the health of presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may be failing….  OHHH WAIT DID YOU HEAR WHAT TRUMP SAID??? Unfortunately the mainstream media is doing what they do best drive their own agenda and narrative while completely disregarding a very important issue that has been making its way around social media.  The issue at hand is the health of the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.  As of late video has surfaced from various Clinton rallies that she appears to be dazed and confused while speaking to her followers.  All the while the mainstream media, the puppets of the left, continue to obsess over every single off color comment Trump makes. 

While many may simply overlook this issue as they obsess over Trump’s latest comments it is extremely important to understand that the health of the president is of the utmost importance.  This is where the media is doing the youth and the millennial generation a great disservice as many millennials get their news directly from the mainstream media outlets and the online news sites they promote.  As a result, the millennials do not even think to consider the possible ramifications that Hillary’s failing health would pose on this country should she actually become this great nation’s 45th president.  

If Hillary and her failing health record were to make their way to the oval office and she were no longer able to carry out the duties of president of the United States the next in line to the presidency would be her illegal immigrant pandering, big government pandering, liberal minded vice president Tim Kaine.  Understand this millennials if that were to occur it could very well pose a greater threat to this country's well-being than a Hillary Clinton presidency ever would given the sympathy he has shown toward various islamist groups, his obsession with “climate change”, and the America last mindset he has shown over the years he served as a Virginia Senator.

The issue here is that many millennials think in the here and now and only focus on the history of today.  They live on sound bites and twitter meme’s and hardly ever do actual research to grasp a better understanding of the real issues we face today.  Additionally, they have no understanding of history and how the progressive road this country has been headed down would come to a horrible culmination under a Hillary Clinton presidency and if her health were to fail her, what the consequences would be if Tim Kaine were to assume the oath of office.

Young Conservative

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Gadsden Flag Has Been Deemed Racist!!

How many historical figures or emblems will be sacrificed at the altar of political correctness.  We have recently witnessed the demise of the confederate flag simply because a bunch of liberal morons decided to use it as a scapegoat following the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting carried out by white supremacist nut job Dylan Roof.  Granted Roof was a self avowed white supremacist, that is still no reason to completely eliminate a portion of American history from the town square.  The confederate flag played a major role in the history of this country and it wasn't until the 1940’s that it became synonymous with segregation and therefore became the flag representing slavery.  

Erasing portions of American history falls in line with the liberal progressive mindset though as they intend to erase history or at least portions of history that don’t align with the politically correct mentality they intend to instill on the youth of today.  The elimination of the confederate flag from the town square is literally just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as this led to continued outrage from the left against monuments, streets, college halls, basically any type of landmark named after an individual that may have at some point in history owned slaves or been associated with anyone that owned slaves.

Colleges around the country have been torn over whether or not they should rename halls and other buildings that bear the historical names of historical figures that may have owned slaves all in the name of political correctness.

According to NBC,

Yale University will scrub the title of "master" for faculty who work in the residential colleges — but it will not change the name of its college honoring John C. Calhoun, a white supremacist politician and strong proponent of slavery in the 19th century.

The Washington Post also reported,

Princeton University said Monday that it will keep President Woodrow Wilson’s name on its school of public and international affairs and a residential college despite calls to expunge his name from those institutions on the Ivy League campus because of his staunch support of racial segregation.

These incidents are only two of the many incidents that have come up following the tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina.  Throw in the black lives matter morons and you have a force that has proven to be nearly unstoppable as most people simply do not have the balls to confront these race baiting activists over the fear of being labeled “racist”.  

If only these morons realized that some of the loudest voices for segregation throughout history have come from the Democrat party which many of claim to align themselves with.  Wilson himself was indeed a liberal progressive Democrat who helped to start the progressive movement that has led to what we are witnessing today.  The mindless safe spacers on college campuses have a demented view of history and only interpret history in such a way that suits their ridiculous demands they are putting forth.  When the demands of the black lives matter morons are put in perspective they aren’t looking for racial equality at all, they are inadvertently pushing for the mindless liberal progressive ideologies and they don’t even realize it.  They are essentially advocating we head down the road to socialism which will inevitably lead to their demise and the demise of the republic as we know it.

The Washington Post piece also explained,

In November, student protesters occupied the office of Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber. They demanded that the university take steps to improve the racial climate on campus, including removal of the Wilson name from important buildings. Eisgruber agreed to refer the issue to the board of trustees.

The safe space babies who have no real understanding of history decided to take their antics to the office of the President of Princeton University.  This is exactly the problem we are facing in society today, whenever these little whiny brats feel in any way offended or find something in society they don’t agree with they stomp their feet until they get their way.  Not to mention the fact that this has led to the elimination of nearly all dissenting thought on the campuses around the country today.  

If the elimination the confederate flag and the elimination of historical figures from the public square throughout the country isn’t enough, we are now witnessing the push to eliminate another battle flag from the public square.  This case takes it one step further as the ridiculous liberal morons are trying to infringe on the first amendment right of freedom of expression as they are trying to keep individuals from wearing clothing or hats depicting the Gadsden flag.  

Yet again this comes from a group of people that have no idea what the Gadsden flag even stands for the the role it played in history.  

According to,

An American Guesser

In December 1775, "An American Guesser" anonymously wrote to the Pennsylvania Journal:

"I observed on one of the drums belonging to the marines now raising, there was painted a Rattle-Snake, with this modest motto under it, 'Don't tread on me.' As I know it is the custom to have some device on the arms of every country, I supposed this may have been intended for the arms of America."

This anonymous writer, having "nothing to do with public affairs" and "in order to divert an idle hour," speculated on why a snake might be chosen as a symbol for America.

First, it occurred to him that "the Rattle-Snake is found in no other quarter of the world besides America."
The rattlesnake also has sharp eyes, and "may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance."

"She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds 'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."

"I confess I was wholly at a loss what to make of the rattles, 'till I went back and counted them and found them just thirteen, exactly the number of the Colonies united in America; and I recollected too that this was the only part of the Snake which increased in numbers....

"'Tis curious and amazing to observe how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are, and yet how firmly they are united together, so as never to be separated but by breaking them to pieces. One of those rattles singly, is incapable of producing sound, but the ringing of thirteen together, is sufficient to alarm the boldest man living."

Many scholars now agree that this "American Guesser" was Benjamin Franklin.
Franklin is also known for opposing the use of an eagle — "a bird of bad moral character" — as a national symbol.

Now that we have a little insight as to the history of the Gadsden flag and the important role it played in this country’s history, it helps to put into perspective just how ridiculous this latest accusation is that is being put forth to depict the Gadsden flag as racist.

According to,

A black employee at a private business felt he was the victim of racial harassment because a co-worker wore a cap sporting the Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” flag, and filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

This employee was apparently triggered by an individual who decided to wear a hat depicting the Gadsden Flag and decided to take it upon himself to file a complaint with the EEOC and they actually decided to follow through with this complaint.  Where do we draw the line when it comes to “offensive” behavior?  Will we eventually come to a point in which people aren’t allowed to be individuals simply because they fear that any form of expression or individuality may lead to them offending others resulting in a lawsuit?  If this political correctness run amok continues we will be just what the government wants, faceless, mindless, puppets of the state.

-Young Conservative

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

It's Time For the People to Be Heard!

The time has come for the masses to stand up and be heard.  We have been pushed and prodded for too damn long and many are finally saying enough is enough and beginning to sound the alarm that real change is needed to save this country from destruction.  For far too long the mindless morons on the left have brainwashed many into believing that the federal government has their best interests at heart, and the morons fall in line looking for their next handout.  Under Obama we have seen an exponential increase not only in the number of welfare recipients, we have seen an increase in the number of food stamp recipients, and increases in just about every other one of the 80 or so means tested welfare programs offered by the government.  

One may wonder how it is that this is possible.  How is it that the federal government has the ability to operate so many welfare programs?  Well they still have a base of hard working Americans to steal from to ensure the flat ass society can remain on their flat ass feeding off of the labor of the hard working American citizen. Don't get me wrong there exists a small number of individuals who legitimately need this assistance, but the vast majority are perfectly capable of working. 

It's safe to say that those working to fund the flat ass society are finally getting fed up with the way in which this country is going.  This sentiment has also made it's way across the pond as England has recently asserted their independence from the European Union.  The "other people" that reside outside the big cities made their voices heard as they decided they no longer wanted to partake in the restrictions, taxes, and influx of middle east refugees being forced upon them by the EU.  It's ironic that the pathetic mainstream media in England all but assured the world that they would without a doubt remain in the EU, but like I said the "other people" stood up and made their voices heard that they are done being pushed around by the elite oligarchs governing from their ivory towers. 

We are seeing the same thing take place here in the United States with the rise of Donald Trump.  Whether or not you like the guy you have to admit he has the balls to say what most are thinking.  Like in Europe many here in the US are fed up with the way the federal government is issuing decrees that the masses must abide by while they live the life of luxury.  The politicians in DC force upon us "healthcare reform" yet they have nothing to do with Obamacare, they push on the masses a failing federal educational system that is doing nothing but indoctrinate our children to become good little peons that will buy into everything government is selling them while sending their own children to the most elite of elite private school.  
Finally people have had enough of this bullshit and are beginning to demand that politicians be held accountable.  We saw the rise of the tea party some 6 or so years ago which ignited the spark and with the lack of change we have seen from so called conservative Republicans, the people are crying out for real change, change back to a government by the people and for the people as the founders intended. 

-Young Conservative

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Left is Coming for the Guns Again!

The left comes loaded lock stock and barrel! It’s truly sad and disgusting that yet again before the blood is dry and the victims are all identified, those on the left began to politicize the tragedy that occurred in Orlando, Florida over the weekend.  A tragedy that could have easily been averted had our federal government done what they should be doing, keeping us safe from foreign enemies and those who sympathize with those enemies, rather than obsessing over restricting and even considering banning our second amendment right altogether.  

Another pathetic aspect of the events that unfolded following the tragedy in Orlando is how the pitiful news media rushed to conclusions speculating that the perpetrator was most likely a Trump supporter and or a “right wing extremist”.  Amidst all of the speculation the news media had to reluctantly report that the perpetrator was indeed a man of muslim background who had clearly been radicalized. Then our glorious president goes on TV and attempts to cover for this crazy muslim by saying it was merely an act of hatred.  At no point could he even come close to uttering the words “islamic terrorism”.

Therein lies both of the issues we see arising with this massacre, just as we see in every terror attack involving islamists and guns, our government possesses an innate inability to call out radical islam and instead they rush to attack our 2nd amendment right to bear arms.  What is ironic about this is the fact that whether or not guns are involved the perpetrator will find a way to carry out an attack. Just take the Boston bombing for example, NO GUNS were involved in that horrific tragedy and yet is goes down as one of the worst terror attacks this country has ever suffered. Then take into account the mass murder that took place in Sweden carried out by Anders Behring Breivik in which he killed eight people by detonating a van bomb amid the Regjeringskvartalet in Oslo, and then shot dead 69 participants of a Workers' Youth League (AUF) summer camp on the island of Utøya. One can even look to a city right in the heartland of the United States, Chicago, where they have enacted some of the most strict gun control laws in the nation yet the still suffer from the highest number of shootings and murders.

It’s clear to see that regardless of how much the left obsesses over guns and gun control, it is factually impossible to eliminate the 2nd amendment and keep Americans completely safe.  I think Benjamin Franklin said it best,

Again even if they were to somehow reign in the 2nd amendment and begin to disarm the people the radical islamists would still find a way to carry out their attacks.

According to Breitbart,

A senior French police officer and his female companion were killed following an attack by a knife-wielding man in a distant suburb of Paris, officials said Monday. The attacker was also killed in the ensuing confrontation with police, while a three-year-old boy was rescued from the scene.

Paris! A city ravaged by terror attacks merely months ago continues their accommodations of the islamists.  They also refuse to face the threat of islamic terror head on and as a result this innocent police officer and his female companion were brutally killed by a man with a knife shouting allahu akbar.  Yes, I get it he had a knife rather than a gun and that there is grounds for a lot smaller number of those injured or killed, but what ever happened to the motto of the left when it comes to other tragic incidents, “if we could just save one life.” If you ask me a good guy with a gun could have saved way more than one life had he been present in Orlando when that tragedy took place.

The Breitbart article goes on to explain,

Some sources described the attacker as a neighbour of the policeman, who was in plain clothes when he was killed.  Witnesses heard the assailant, described as a teenager or in his early 20s, shout “Allahu Akhbar”, Arabic for “God is great”.

This article along with the countless incidents of gun violence that take place in locations with strict gun laws make the clear point that what we need is not more gun laws.  What we need is leadership that has the balls to call a spade a spade and confront the threat of islamic terror here at home head on.  Right now the only individual that seems to be willing to do that is Donald Trump hence why he has garnered such a following.  People are fed up with the status quo offered by the same old politicians we have been seeing over the past few decades and are in search of a real leader.  I truly hope that if elected Donald Trump will be that leader we so desperately need!

Young Conservative

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Accommodating the Islamist "Refugees"

We have all become so consumed by the presidential primaries that many of us forget about what is going on around the world and the effect those happenings have on us.  Whether we want to believe it or not Europe is slowly but surely falling to the islamists as they continue to make their way from the middle east into countries like Germany, Great Britain, and other countries throughout Europe.  The underlying problem here is the radical political correctness that has taken hold.  Many European leaders have become so obsessed with accommodating the islamists that they have actually instructed their own citizens to go about their daily lives in a manner that would avoid offending the newly minted muslim citizens.  And let’s face it these “refugees” coming into Europe have no intentions of leaving and returning to their home countries whenever the conflict is resolved, a conflict that has been ongoing for thousands of years.

Nonetheless it is essential that we pay attention to the rise of islamism throughout Europe.  This is so important as in many instances what happens in Europe makes it’s way to our shores in about 5 to 10 years.  We have Democrats and liberals in this country that idolize what takes place in Europe, they long to bring the radical political correctness that is ruining those countries to our shores.  The reasoning behind this is simple, bring that radical political correctness here and fundamentally change our American culture as we know it in the name of “acceptance”.  What they fail to realize is that the type of fundamental transformation that will take place at the hands of the islamists is change that we will never recover from.

In an article entitled “Christians Told To ‘Pray In Silence… Don’t Disturb The Migrants’ from Breitbart,

Parishioners visiting a church in Italy were told they must “pray in silence” so as not to disturb African migrants being housed there.

That change that we would never recover from is on full display right here. This is where I would draw the line, but clearly many in Europe do not have the common sense or the balls as we conservatives do to say enough is enough.  These residents of Italy were nice enough to welcome these migrants into their place of worship and now they’re being told they have to accommodate them up to and including changing the way in which they worship.  All the while you can rest assured the islamists are able to go about their business with complete disregard for the people that were gracious enough to welcome them to their Church in the first place.
The article then goes on to explain,

After one of the female parishioners requested that the migrants be taken to another church so that she could recite the rosary, the parish priest, Don Rito, appeared and accompanied her and the other visitors to another church.

The Northern Italian town of 55,000 people has recently been overwhelmed with hundreds of migrants. More than 50 Africans have been crossing into Ventimiglia every day, hoping that from there they will be able to enter France. The town’s mayor, Enrico Ioculano, has said that this is “an untenable situation”.

One of the Church parishioners clearly had enough with being told they couldn’t worship as to avoid offending the islamists and asked they be moved to a different Church.  What took place following her request should disgust you to the core.  Rather than relocate the islamists they instead accompanied the parishioner and others to another Church to avoid offending their “guests”.

It is time to wake up people.  I know I say this constantly but it’s a point that cannot be stressed enough that we all need to be aware of what is going on around the world.  We must also understand the true intentions of our government and what they intend to do with so called refugee situation.  There are already plans in the works to bring a large number of these so called refugees to our shores and you can rest assured that we will all be instructed to do everything our power to avoid offending them. I’m sorry but I’m going to go about my daily life as I always have and if they don’t like it they can go right back to where they came from.  That may sound harsh to some but I am fed up with the political correctness run amok in this country and trying to avoid offending everyone else. Who looks out for those of us who are being told to accept others and to change our ways to accommodate others?  

Young Conservative

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Animals are on the Loose at Trump Rallies in the Southwest

The protesting at Trump rallies has officially gone too far. I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of seeing these pathetic pukes run around waving the damn Mexican flag in our country.  This really hits home with me because I’m tired of people coming here from other countries only to tell us how great their home country is.  If your home country is so damn great then why the hell did you come here in the first place.  There used to be something called assimilation in which people wanted to come to America to embrace American values and what America once stood for.  

I don’t necessarily consider myself a Trump supporter but I do believe in his motto that we need to make America great.  I wouldn’t necessarily say great again as I believe America has always been and still is great, we just need to get back to the founding principles this country once stood strongly for.

The problem we are seeing with these so called protests that are taking place wherever Trump goes is the fact that police are giving these ANIMALS, yes I said it, ANIMALS room to riot.  Just like we all witnessed in Baltimore, we are seeing the same riot type mentality take place at all of these protests.  Police stand idly by as these maniacs break through barricades, stomp on police cars, and basically do as they please with hardly any pushback from law enforcement.  

According to the Los Angeles Times,

"You can't arrest all of us," one woman shouted. Another group of anti-Trump demonstrators continued to linger, yelling, "Mexico! Mexico!"

Around the Anaheim Convention Center, lines of mounted police moved through the streets, with several dozen protesters in front of them. Some had scarves covering their face, others taunted police officers. By 3 p.m., only a couple dozen protesters remained, with one person tearing down a stop sign near Katella Avenue.

Actually they can arrest most of you and what they should be doing is sending back to Mexico whomever is here illegally.  That would be one extremely efficient way in which these protest could be stopped.  Put the fear of God in these illegals immigrant thugs and let them know they are breaking our laws and they will be sent right back where they came from. But we all know that will never happen as they represent the next largest voting block for the Democrat party.  The Democrats look to them as the next recipient class they can dangle their free crap in front of and in turn have Democrat voters for the next two generations.

Young Conservative

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The islamist Invasion of the West

They say as goes Europe so goes the United States at least that is how things have been over the past few decades.  For some reason, a reason I still cannot fathom, the liberal progressives obsess over the morons in Europe and their progressive ideologies.  Those same ideologies are literally destroying their way of life from their culture to their economies. With wave after wave of islamist refugees making their way from Syria and other countries throughout the middle east to countries like Germany, Sweden, and other European countries they are bringing with them their demented “culture”, a culture of demeaning and beating women, stoning gays, and the attempt to implement sharia law.

The atrocities being carried out by the barbarians in the middle east and Europe seem to be going completely unnoticed to the everyday liberal progressive here in the United States.  The same individuals that claim to stand for human rights and especially the rights of women and those in the gay community fail to address the islamic invasion and the effect it is having on every aspect of Western life in Europe.

According to Truth Revolt,

As Sputnik News reports, last year's "unparalleled influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa has left Sweden riddled with housing problems, unemployment and soaring crime," yet its new priority is to meet the religious demands of said refugees by training new crops of imams -- using taxpayer funds.

Yes… You read that right, the islamic invasion of Europe is becoming so bad that now they are literally considering using taxpayer funds to train freaking imams.  Trust me it is only a matter of time before this mentality makes its way to American shores and the progressives will embrace it with open arms.  After all the entire religion of islam is completely off limits from criticism and it is for some screwed up reason our responsibility to cater to the islamists as we already do. Muslims are opening up mosques all over this country, Deerborn Michigan has since been renamed Deerbornistan, hell the muslims even tried to open a mosque within spitting distance of where the Twin Towers once stood and there were plenty of idiots defending the idea.

The Truth Revolt goes on to explain,

According to reports, the new taxpayer-funded imam training is slated to begin this fall at Kista High School in Stockholm. Not surprisingly, the push was initiated by the school's headmaster,  a chap named Abdulkader Habib.

This brings up another concerning aspect of the islamist invasion of the West.  The fact that they are beginning to infiltrate government offices, and other offices from which they can exude influence on the masses.  This is where the millennial generation really needs to wake the hell up and understand what is going on.  The millennials live in a bubble believing that everything will always be ok and my concern is that when they finally wake up we will have passed the point of no return. If we do not push back against the islamist invasion we will begin to see “no-go zones” which have already cropped up throughout Europe.  Areas in which the islamists govern themselves, we Westerners aren’t allowed to go there, and our police forces have no jurisdiction.

It is essential that we all truly wake up and smell the coffee because if we don’t it won’t be long before that will be Halal coffee we will be smelling, we won’t be able to indulge in our beloved bacon, and our women will be wearing freaking hijabs.

Young Conservative

The Anger and Frustration of the Conservative Movement

I get it, I really do get it! The anger and outrage we are seeing by so many on the “right” seems to be coming to a tipping point and that tipping point has resulted in the phenomenon that is Donald Trump. In addition to the massive backing the Donald has been receiving we have seen Republicans and Conservatives alike become increasingly frustrated with the way many aspects of the federal government are run. Over the course of the past 6 or so years we have elected more and more Conservative thinking politicians into office with the hope that by doing so we can stem the tide of progressive filth being fed to us from Obama and the left. One of those pieces of progressive filth has been Obamacare.

According to Huffington Post,

In August 2009, the debate over the proposed Affordable Care Act made its way into town hall meetings across the country. Democrats hoped to use the forums to explain the complexities of health care reform and dispel any myths. They came with long-winded answers and PowerPoint slides.

Tea party conservatives had another plan: They saw these earnest settings as opportunities for rage. The gatherings quickly devolved into shouting matches and even physical altercations. Democrats were accused of torching the Constitution and handing people with disabilities a death sentence.

“It was a lot of vitriolic racism,” recalled former Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va.), who was then a freshman Democrat from a conservative-leaning district.

“I was getting spit on. My staff was getting kicked,” he said. “We were getting calls using the N word every day. People were very comfortable in very professional settings saying, ‘You know there is nothing for white people in this bill. Why are you supporting it?’”

It's funny how the likes of Huffington Post paint Conservatives with a broad brush as racists and hate mongers like they've done here, yet they truly fail to address the reason why the people are so upset. I by no means condone the behavior of these individuals and don't think they represent the true Conservatives but it's easy to see why they are so mad. Like I said we have been voting election after election for individuals who we believe will uphold the Constitution and get government out of places where it has no business being such as our health care.

This type of thinking would help to eliminate much of the discord we see today in government on both a federal and local level. If the average American citizen actually read and understood the Constitution they would realize that the federal government isn’t the be all end all and that we do have a 10th amendment that would place things like health care under local government control where it belongs. Even then government should remain out of such things as much as possible as the free market is the best alternative to the Obamacare debacle.

Regardless of what side of the isle you are on it is imperative that we all control ourselves regardless of the circumstances surrounding our government run amok. The more aggressive we become the more aggressive government becomes and right now that is not a road we want to head down. In the meantime we need to read the Constitution and other historical documents, do our homework, and elect individuals who will abide by the Constitution and truly stand up for the rule of law!

-Young Conservative