Saturday, March 18, 2017

THUGS Harass Cops in NYC Bodega

While many would love to debate whether or not liberalism is a mental disorder one cannot question it after viewing this video.  There are literally no words to describe just how pathetic these little punks are as they stand there and badger these two police officers who are simply getting a cup of coffee.
THIS!!! Is why there is such a rift between the police and citizens in so many communities.  Sure the police aren't perfect, but if something were to happen at the exact moment these disgusting little, good for nothing, excuses for human beings were harassing these officers you can rest assured the cops would drop everything to protect them.
Police in this country do not get the respect they deserve and this video is a prime example of what many officers have to deal with on an ever day basis.  Protecting you and me is a thankless job, therefore we must be sure to thank the men and women who protect and serve every chance we get!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Difference Between a Trump Rally and a Protest

There are protests and then there are rallies!  This is important to understand as we are beginning to see more and more pro Trump rallies cropping up all over the country.  

The difference between the two is really quite simple, a protest is essentially a group of people who are in disagreement with something gathering together to complain and whine to try enact change.  A rally on the other hand is a group of individuals gathering together in support of a person or a cause. The important thing here is to avoid getting these two things confused as the fake news, left obsessed, alternative fact mainstream media will inevitably try and compare the two.  We will here broadcast after broadcast about how the Trumpers are no better than the protesters as they gather together to support their Nazi leader.  

Well I assure you this could not possibly be further from the truth.  First of all we “Trumpers” only gather together once in awhile as we are usually too busy working to make gathering together at rallies our number one priority.  Second, when we do gather together we do so peacefully.  I will task you with trying to find reports from tea party rallies in which gatherers have left the vicinity in worse shape than it was when they arrived.  Or by that same token try and find pro-Trump rallies in which gatherers have left a mess the likes of what was left behind at the Women’s March or the Dakota Access Pipeline protest.

Below is just a snapshot of what was left in the wake of both the Women’s March (aka the vagina hat rally) and the Dakota Pipeline protest…

Women’s March

Dakota Pipeline Protest

My point here is that as we see Trump rallies around the country gain speed and grow in size as more and more true Americans show their allegiance to this President, we will see growing backlash coming from the morons on the left.  We will see them try and delegitimize the rallies in any way possible pushing their fake news agenda to even further extremes.  This is why it is so important that we all come together and get the word out of what is really going on.  We, the silent majority, must continue the fight to ensure this country continues in the right direction regardless what the left tries to throw at us!!

Young Conservative

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Left Calling Obama Wire Tapping Fake News

Just when you think your going to wake up a nice relaxing, calm Saturday morning you see the notifications on your phone of Donald Trump's latest tweets.  These latest tweets are real whoppers as they are accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump's phones and his server at Trump Tower prior to the election.
Many look at this and immediately cry fake news as they do with everything they don't agree with. Some even cry out about how Trump is supposedly a cry baby who just runs to Twitter to rant and rave when he's pissed about something.  These are the people that run to CNN and MSNBC for their so called news all the while completely disregarding the remote possibility that the things Trump tweets could be true.

Before you run off and disregard Trump's tweet, understand that Obama had a history of illegally wiretapping people...

According to the New York Times,

Federal investigators secretly seized two months of phone records for reporters and editors of The Associated Press in what the news organization said Monday was a “serious interference with A.P.’s constitutional rights to gather and report the news.”

The A.P. said that the Justice Department informed it on Friday that law enforcement officials had obtained the records for more than 20 telephone lines of its offices and journalists, including their home phones and cellphones. It said the records were seized without notice sometime this year.

The wiretapping of Associated Press journalists should be evidence enough to at least open an investigation into the possibility that the Obama administration would have wire tapped Trump Tower in an effort to gather information to slander Trump.

Turns out this wasn't the only instance in which Obama had wire tapped journalists.

According to Fox News,

Newly uncovered court documents reveal the Justice Department seized records of several Fox News phone lines as part of a leak investigation -- even listing a number that, according to one source, matches the home phone number of a reporter's parents.

The seizure was ordered in addition to a court-approved search warrant for Fox News correspondent James Rosen's personal emails. In the affidavit seeking that warrant, an FBI agent called Rosen a likely criminal "co-conspirator," citing a wartime law called the Espionage Act.

Rosen was not charged, but his movements and conversations were tracked. A source close to the leak investigation confirmed to Fox News that the government obtained phone records for several numbers that match Fox News numbers out of the Washington bureau.

While we have yet to see actual proof of the wire tapping as of yet, here is some real proof as to why an investigation needs to be conducted.  We are witnessing the left lose their minds over the alleged ties between the Trump administration and the Russians with little to no evidence. If we are being told that an investigation needs to be conducted regarding Russian ties one would think investigating Obama wire tapping is a no brainer.

Trump didn't stop at that single tweet this morning, he went on...

Face it, Trump knows what he is doing.  Regardless of one's take on Trump and his tweets, these are serious allegations and Trump would not post these tweets if there wasn't substantial evidence to back up his claim!

-Young Conservative

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Young Conservative Daily

Friday, February 24, 2017

CPAC 2017 The American Brexit

What we are witnessing here at CPAC 2017 is the culmination of what many have called the American Brexit.  Not long before we took our country back, people around the world all watched as England declared their freedom from the overbearing European Union that was all but ruling England from afar.

A major factor that played in to Brexit was they fact that England was being overrun by Muslim migrants from throughout the middle east.  Citizens watched as their towns and cities were being turned what have become known as "no-go zones".  Areas in which the Muslims essentially took over and declared sharia law as the law of the area. Often times police even avoided entering the area for fear that their own livelihood would be in danger, or that if they were to actually arrest one of these islmaists they would in turn be prosecuted and charge with profiling or worse a hate crime. 

In steps Nigel Farage, a British politician, to provide us here at CPAC with a little insight and a comparison between what England accomplished with their Brexit and what we conservatives accomplished in electing Donald Trump as our president this past November.  

One major comparison is the fact that here in the United States we are being overrun with illegal immigrants just as they were in England.  We have a non-existent southern border through we hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are flooding through every year.  To put a stop to this we conservatives stood up and made our voices heard in electing Trump, an individual who ran on securing the border and reinstating the rule of law in this land.  As with Brexit we the people stood up against the socialist minded liberals throughout the country and the media and made a statement to the rest of the world that we would no longer pander to the illegal alien over the American citizen.  

Nigel also spoke about how the Brexit mindset is sweeping the world.  We are seeing other countries ravaged by islamist migration from the middle east begin to wake up and make their voices heard as many of their towns and cities are literally being destroyed by this migrants.  

We here at CPAC are leading the fight against the globalist mindset and I can only hope that the rest of the world wakes up and their own personal Brexit before it is too late.

Young Conservative

Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Little Inspiration Before Day 1 of CPAC 2017

CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, in case you have been living under a rock and haven't heard of it yet is a conference right outside Washington DC every February in which Conservatives get together and discuss political issues plaguing the country. This is a national conference with attendees from every area of the country spanning age groups from students all the way up to seasoned adult conservatives.

I'm sure most just think this is a vacation for the snooty rich conservatives and for some that may be the case but for people like myself who were barely able to make it here,  it is much more than a vacation. Attending CPAC is a privilege, it is a means to an end, an end that is merely just the beginning of the Conservative movement in this country.  Seeing the enormous crowd here truly is inspiring to think this many people believe in what this country was founded upon; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

When I arrived I wanted more than just the inspiration provided by the conference, more than just meeting up with fellow like minded conservatives. I wanted to see first hand some of the history this great nation has to offer. I wanted to pay my respects to those who gave their all to give us what we have today!

To do this I drove myself over to he Lincoln Memorial. If you have never seen this monument first hand, it is by far one of the most awe inspiring places to visit! Many today take for granted the sacrifices made by these great men and fail to fully understand what they went through to found this country we call The United States. These men put it all on the line, their fortunes, livelihoods, and even the future of their families to lay the groundwork to form what we have today!

What does any of this have to do with CPAC? Well the motto for CPAC, "We the People: Reclaiming America's Promise" pretty much sums up exactly what we are all doing here. We are here to discuss how we are going to reclaim the promise outlined by the great men who founded this nation of ours. We are here to find solutions as to how we are to overcome the socialist minded individuals who's goal is to destroy everything the founders laid out, everything they envisioned this country would one day be.

We are at a tipping point in this country, we must ensure that we keep the founders ideals alive and well in this country.  Many around the world look to America as the preserver of freedom, the one nation in the world where its citizens are truly free. THAT is what we are doing here at CPAC, we are collaborating to find ways to battle the liberal movement in this country. A movement that is hell bent and determined to destroy the Constitution and the entire Republic!

Young Conservative

Friday, February 10, 2017

Tell the 9th Circuit to Stick It!!

As you know by now the activist judges on the 9th circuit have upheld the suspension of Trump’s immigration ban.  While that may sound like a great move if you're watching Good Morning America, MSNBC, Meet the Press, or any of those other mainstream media wack job collaborations, they couldn’t be further off the deep end. So many today have become brainwashed into believing everything that is fed to them by these morons and they have no understanding of the Constitution or the rule of law.  The rule of law that Trump spoke about throughout his campaign and continues to speak about as President.

This failed understanding of the Constitution and lack of knowledge when it comes to civics can be attributed largely to the educational system in this country.  Kids today come out of school knowing more about the Kardashians than they do about who the first President of this country was or the system of government we all live under.  We even hear many millennials spout off at the mouth about how this country is a “democracy” when in reality we are a Constitutional republic and majority doesn’t always rule! If kids and even adults understood how our government is designed to function they would realize that there are three co-equal branches of government, the legislative, judicial, and executive.  Each of which is designed to be a check to the other creating a balance between the three.  

Many are arguing that the 9th circuit was merely checking the President’s power when it comes to his recent immigration order.  That could not possibly be further from the truth as the power over immigration lies solely in the hands of Congress and the President. Congress may make laws regarding immigration while the President, according to a 1952 immigration bill, has the power to determine which (non-citizens) we let into this country, where they originate from, and how many people we decide to let it. The President can even go as far as to restrict immigration based upon just about whatever he so chooses, he can even restrict immigration based upon religion (aaahhhh the horror).

The law passed in 1952 states,

Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:[4]
I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors.

However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain.

The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. ... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.

There you have it! It doesn’t take a law degree to grasp the fact that our country has been facing issues with illegal immigration since its inception and we continue to face those same issues today.  The problem today is that the Democrats and all liberals seem to cherry pick which laws they want to enforce and or abide by and which laws they simply disregard.  This is why we are so lucky to have Trump in office.  Trump clearly believes in the rule of law and is willing to hold those who do not uphold the rule of law accountable.  The problem is we need to get the masses to understand that the rule of law still does exist and we all must be sure our leaders are upholding said rules whether they agree with them or not.

Steve Janiszak
Young Conservative

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mexico Will Pay for Trump's Wall

So we are roughly a week into the Trump presidency and he has been moving at lightning speed setting out to accomplish everything he has promised during his presidential campaign.  One of the projects that made up the foundation of his campaign was securing the border which became an issue due to the immigration crisis we are currently experiencing in this country as hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants stream across our southern border.  We have heard from politicians for decades about stemming this flow and up until now they have been all talk.

Notice I said up until now!  Finally it appears we have a president sitting at the desk in the oval office who is actually putting actions behind his words.  This is a starch contrast to what we have witnessed for quite some time now, especially during the Obama administration as he failed to follow through on almost all of his campaign promises.  Remember “hope and change”?  I rest my case.

Nonetheless Trump is determined we need to secure our border and he sees a wall as the solution to the problem. While there may be some debate on this aspect of securing the border, one thing is for sure, Trump has said time and time again that Mexico would pay for the wall.  

While this has been a hotly contested topic of discussion there is one thing people are forgetting to realize.  Whether or not you agree with the building of the wall, it is part of our government's constitutional duty to secure our borders. I know that may sound harsh and to some snowflakes out there they may need to retreat to their safe spaces at the thought of the United States securing its borders but there is no disputing it.

The United States Constitution specifically states,
Article 4, Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

It seems quite clear the federal government hasn’t been standing up to their end of the Constitution. The citizens of each state are still required to continue funding the federal government though regardless of the fact that numerous states around the country are literally being overrun with illegal aliens.  The fact that this is occurring is also a large reason why Donald Trump was elected president in the first place. We the people saw in him someone who would buck the trend of the typical go along to get along politicians in DC.  We saw in him someone who would once and for all secure our border and restore sovereignty to this country.

Moving forward to the next issue regarding The Wall, the big beautiful, YUUGGEEE WALL!  How do we pay for it? There has been argument after argument as to how we would pay for what is estimated by some to be a $15 to $20 billion dollar project.  Well I have one possible theory as to how we pay for the wall, cut the federal funding to other countries around the world including Mexico.  

According to,

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209 million to Mexico in 2012:
The aid was broken down in the following manner:
  • Child Survival and Health: -$12,200
  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
  • Development Assistance: $17.9 million
  • Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40.8 million
  • Global Health and Child Survival: $3.89 million
  • Narcotics Control: $27.6 million
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7.07 million
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $15.4 million
  • Other State Assistance: $2.7 million
  • Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
  • Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
  • Peace Corps: $2 million
  • Military Assistance, Total: $91.7 million

This is just the amount of money given to Mexico in a single given year. Why are we giving aid to a foreign country like Mexico to cover things like “grant programs”, “economic support”, “other active grant programs”, and so on.  Some of the items on this list are extremely vague which leads anyone with a little common sense to believe the money may not be going where they say it is.

The point of the matter is, in a single year we GAVE AWAY $209 million dollars to Mexico, money that could in turn be used to fund projects like building a border wall.  Before you liberals go off on the numbers here, I realize that what we gave Mexico in that single given year is essentially a drop in the bucket in regards to the overall estimated cost of the wall, but if we were to cut foreign aid to other countries we have no business giving money to as well as cut money paid to organizations like the UN the possibility definitely exists that we could in a few years fund the entire project.

Lets not forget the Obama stimulus package that cost the taxpayers roughly $700 billion dollars and did nothing to actually stimulate the economy. I for one and much more on board with funding a project that is called for in the Constitution and will inevitably lead to a safer more prosperous nation.

I know some will dispute that it’s still taxpayers funding the wall, which essentially should be the case as it is the federal government's responsibility to secure the border whether some taxpayers like it or not. After all the government has used our money for dozens if not hundreds of pet projects not called for in the Constitution and we were all told to just shut up and sit down.

Bottom line is you want Mexico to pay for the wall cut the foreign aid, apply it to the wall and there you have it! Securing our borders is a Constitutionally granted right of the federal government and we need to see to it that we support Donald Trump in doing so.

-Young Conservative