Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Government Programs, The Downfall of this Country

Over the past fifty or so years many in this country and succumb to the notion that the government is the deciding factor with regards to who fails and who succeeds in this country.  Many, including Obama, consider FDR to be one of the greatest presidents of all time.  Little do many realize just how much he hurt this country.  We constantly hear about how all of the government programs saved the country, yet many do not realize that the government cannot simply make something out of nothing and for every program there had to be funding which inherently comes from the tax payer. 

According to the Cato Institute, the New Deal "didn't increase the number of jobs in the economy, as the money spent on the New Deal projects came from the tax payers who consequently had less money to spend on food, coats, cars, books and other things that would of stimulated the economy."

Fast forward some sixty years and we find ourselves in an very similar situation on a much larger scale.  Government has expanded exponentially over those years to become a behemoth that many feel has passed the point of no return.  We now face the daunting task of taking down Obamacare which if passes, will all but signify the end of conservatisism in the government.  Obamacare was passed as a tax, yet it is simply the government compelling you to buy a service and punish you for inaction.  This sets a scary precedent, if the government can punish you for inaction in regards to healthcare, whose to say they can't levy a punishment for not partaking in any government program or service they decide to implement.

We must also take into consideration the cost factor.  As with the New Deal, Obamacare will increase the tax burden to those who actually pay taxes. With Obamacare individuals will be required to purchase healthcare or face a penalty.  What many fail to realize is that those who cannot afford to pay for Obamacare will simply receive a subsidy provided by the government to purchase their healthcare at the cost of the tax payer. This phenomena is known as cost shifting which will hurt rather than help as the costs of those who are receiving the government subsidy to purchase healthcare will simply be shifted to those who do pay. 

It's really quite simple, both the New Deal, Obamacare and just about any other government program is funded by the tax payer.  Government cannot simply issue a decree and magically programs are implemented and services are provided.  This government today is a government not by the people and for the people, but a government that provides freebies to the people.  As a result we have a receiving class in this country that pays nothing to the system yet takes advantage of every program available.  This simply cannot continue as we will eventually reach a point where the receivers will outnumber the contributors.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Do Not Let Yourself Be Brainwashed By the Main Stream Media

The "mainstream media" which I choose to refer to as the "lame stream media" has begun to reload their proverbial guns to wage all out war on this country, our Constitution, and our way of life.  Bias has been present for as long as news has been reported, only recently has this bias taken over in such a way that it is beginning to completely brainwash society as a whole.  The worst aspect of this brainwashing is that many don't even realize it's happening.  All to often the "lame stream media" is able to twist stories in such a way that they are able to play on people emotions. As a result people become emotionally involved in the story forgetting to let fact and logic weigh in.

With the advent of the Internet and the 24/7 news cycle, news never sleeps.  As this is the case a variety of news outlets have come to the forefront including Fox News, MSNBC aka MSLSD, CNN and countless local news outlets.  This has provided the viewer with a variety of options as to how they decide to watch and listen to their news.  This is where we the people must become more knowledgeable in regards to what we choose to watch.  It is essential that we become well versed in the various twists each of these networks put on stories and even more so, what stories they decide to report on in the first place. 

All too often many of the news outlets only report on specific stories that play into their specific agenda.  This agenda I speak of refers to who is pulling the strings of each news outlet.  It has become all to prevalent that MSNBC is more left leaning while Fox News is more right leaning.  As a result we must be able to form our own educated opinions while watching either news outlet.  I also have become quite partial to Glenn Beck's new network called The Blaze as this seems to be one of the most honest and straightforward news outlets available today.

Regardless of how you choose to get your news, it is more important today than it has ever been that you become informed as to what is really going on in the world today.  Whether you choose to take up the progressive or liberal mindset (I can't think of any reason why anyone would do this) or a more conservative or libertarian mindset, do your homework and inform yourself.  Do not let yourself be brainwashed by any single news outlet.  I'm sure if you do your homework and understand the principles from which this country was founded you will end up on the "right side" and take up the conservative, libertarian movement with me and my fellow patriots!!


Friday, July 5, 2013

Have We Lost Our Way? What July 4th Means to Me!!

On this, the 237th birthday of this great nation, I feel it is time we all reflect upon how this country was founded and how far we have come since this countries birth.  The 4th of July isn't just about fireworks and barbecues, the 4th of July is about the birth of the greatest nation on the face of the planet.  Many progressives today would lead you to believe differently as our own president is constantly traveling around the world on apology tours letting the rest of the world know just how horrible our country is.  This mentality found in so many progressives today is leading this country down the path to destruction.  Many in this country have lost sight of what this country was founded upon and begun to take up the progressive agenda becoming so consumed with arbitrary concepts such as becoming part of the "global community" they have since lost sight of what America stands for.

July 4th, 1776 some of the greatest minds in all of history came together lead by sound morals and a belief in God.  They believed that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!  These words have such a significant meaning then and still do today as the founding fathers intended to provide the framework for a nation based on rights provided us from God, not from government.
Fast forward 237 years and we are dealing with a mindset in this country in which progressives have many believing that these rights our forefathers died for, these rights provided to us from God are now provided to us from government.  The government has instituted a variety of programs to coddle its citizens into a false sense of security brainwashing them to believe that they can rely on government for every single need from the cradle to the grave.

Aside from social welfare programs and universal healthcare, the government is also attempting to eliminate religion from society.  Why would a government do such a thing? The answer is simple, eliminate religion and you leave people with only one thing left to rely on, one thing to place their faith and hope in, government.  How are they doing this?  They are attempting to instill in the American Citizens a mindset that there is a "separation of Church and state" in the Constitution, when in reality the Constitution simply states that their can be no official religion and that each individual has the right to pursue his or her religion openly and freely.
As this country continues to forge on into the future we are coming to a turning point, one that can truly change the course of history, one that we must fully understand to be sure we make the right decision for future generations.  We must strive to instill in our children the true history of this great nation, what drove the founders here and what inspired them to create such a great country, a country of opportunity and freedoms, one that where if you work hard and live a good honest life you can be something.  A country where you can raise a family and instill in your children the morals and values of our forefathers and practice your religion openly without the fear of persecution.  If we are to survive as a nation we must stay true to our roots!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Get the Government Out of Marriage

Today we received the HUGE news that DOMA or the defense of marriage act has been struck down by the supreme court.  This brings about much debate as to the significance of this ruling.  First and foremost the entire idea of the bill is completely unconstitutional as the constitution has no bearing on marriage.  Due to the fact that Bill Clinton signed this bill into law nearly 10 years ago we have since had been debating the validity of this law. 

Regardless of how this law is interpreted, the bill is entirely unconstitutional and it is a victory that it has been somewhat revoked.  Notice I say somewhat...  This is the case because the Supreme Court did rule on the law by explaining that it is indeed unconstitutional, although they left it up to the states to determine the validity of the law. This ruling is also a victory for the constitutionalist as they recognized state sovereignty.

We must also address proposition 8 in California which is now coming into play as a result of the ruling today.  There has been word that they are trying to overturn the revocation of this proposition as it had been recently voted down.  This is where it gets frustrating, the left always says the people should be heard.  This is an instance where the people decided, but they decided against the progressive agenda and the progressives can't stand it.  Therefore they are stomping their feet like little children and complaining about how they are going to get their way anyway. PATHETIC!!!

There is another major point of concern in regards to the ruling handed down today.  Now that DOMA has been ruled upon, it is only a matter of time before the progressives attempt to make it mandatory that religious institutions accept gay marriage even if it goes against everything they stand for.  Mark my words this is their overall goal and they will attempt to accomplish this by removing tax exempt status from the religious institutions if they don't comply.  This is where we conservatives and constitutionalists must keep up the fight as the left continues to attack all forms of religion in this country in an attempt to break down the societal structure that has held us together since this country was founded.

Regardless of your stance on the issue posed by DOMA it is indeed an unconstitutional law and a victory that is has been somewhat overturned.  While this is the case we must realize that the government shouldn't have any say in marriage whatsoever.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Amnesty for Illegals, The Downfall of The United States As We Know It

From the time this country was founded immigrants have served as the backbone of this great nation.  We are a country founded on the hard work and determination of those immigrants and have since evolved into the greatest country on the face of the planet.  "Yes I said the greatest country on the face of the planet even though many "elite progressives" like to think otherwise." As the country grew there came a point in time where limits had to be placed on immigration and as a result places like Ellis Island were constructed to ensure this country was taking in only those individuals who could contribute to society.

Fast forward some two hundred years and we find ourselves in a situation starkly different than the one our forefathers faced.  This situation is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the fact that those in power today are using the idea of immigration as a political football to ensure their reelection and continued control over the political system in this country.  You may ask how exactly are they turning immigration into a political football?? One word AMNESTY!!!

The democrats have become the party of the handout and "free stuff".  This is precisely why they are so in favor of amnesty.  If this amnesty bill does indeed pass the roughly 30 million illegal immigrants will fall directly into they hands of the welfare system.  Once this occurs the democrats will play off of this and continue to offer more and more free stuff at the cost of the tax payer.  Increasing the "free stuff" class in this country will lead to higher taxes for those of us in the real working class and in turn continue the demise of our economy.

The enormous illegal immigration problem in this country is much larger than politicians and the lame stream media would lead you to believe. They constantly throw around differing numbers in regards to how many illegals are living here, there current favorite number happens to be 11 million. That number may have been the case some 5 years ago, but according to recent statistics from the Center for Immigration Studies, "If immigration continues at current levels, the nation's population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060, an increase of roughly 167 million people or 56%. 

Take into account the family and friends that would also arrive here as a result of the proposed amnesty bill and you have nearly 60 million additional American citizens. We currently have an unemployment rate of around 7% with nearly 90 million AMERICANS currently out of the workforce and we want to add another 60 million people??? Where is the logic???

Another issue many progressives have trouble coming to grips with is the idea that giving amnesty to illegals will in turn become a burden on the social welfare systems already in place in this country.  When these people become citizens they automatically become eligible for Obamacare and many other social welfare programs. 

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, "Amnesty for illegal immigrants will cause costs to increase significantly from $10.4 billion a year to $28.8 billion. This is because an amnesty program would transform an illegal immigrant to an "unskilled immigrant with legal status" who could access various government programs. However, due to low income, these "unskilled immigrants with legal status" would likely make very modest tax payments."

Lets face it, amnesty for illegals won't only be a burden on the welfare systems in this country, it will bring down society as a whole as it continuously erodes American values, it will expand the welfare state as these individuals will continue to vote for "free stuff" like we have seen over the last 6 years, and it will be a burden on the already fragile economy.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Separation of Politics & Sports

What has happened to sports??? Sports used to be strictly games of competition between either individuals and or teams of individuals.  Over the years the sports has become less and less competitive as "political correctness" has seeped in. A prime example of just how sports have become more politically correct and less competitive is youth sports today. The incentive to win has been removed thus removing nearly all incentive for kids to better themselves. This incentive to win has since been replaced as kids are told to just go out and "have fun."

 I witnessed this first hand growing up playing little league baseball where we would constantly approach the coach and ask him, "What's the score???" His response, "Don't worry about it, just go have fun."  I feel promoting this type of thinking is doing our youth a great disservice.  If children cannot learn the exhilarating feeling of winning as well as the ability lose graciously, how will they cope with the harsh realities of the real world. This I feel directly relates to the state of affairs with so many of young adults today. If children are introduced to the realities of winning and losing at an early age they can then develop the drive and motivation to work for what they want rather then relying on the government for handouts.

This idea of political correctness doesn't just lie within youth sports, it has infiltrated sports at even the highest levels of professional sports from the NFL to the NBA.  We encounter almost on a monthly basis at least one sports story that lies completely outside the boundaries of what sports should be about.  Lets take into account the recent coming out of NBA basketball player Jason Collins.  Not only was this story featured in by nearly every news outlet, especially ESPN, the guy even received a call from the president.  If our president can make the effort to reach out to Jason Collins, why can't he make the same effort to honor each and every soldier serving this great country of ours? WHERE HAVE THE PRIORITIES OF THIS GOVERNMENT, AND OUR PRESIDENT IN PARTICULAR GONE?!?!?!?!?!

Another issue that has come about as a result of this gay basketball player, is the idea that other athletes must now make accommodation for this mans feelings.  Having played sports throughout my life I can attest to locker room talk and the joking around that goes on behind closed doors.  Now the point has been made that it is essential that everyone consider his feelings as a gay athlete as to not offend him.  If you ask me this is going too far, I'm by no means condoning bashing him but others shouldn't have to walk around on egg shells worrying they might offend a gay teammate and as a result possibly suffer lawsuits.

When this issue arose, ESPN analyst Chris Broussard decided to provide his take on the gay lifestyle after being prompted by a fellow co-host.  Chris Broussard,  being a man with Christian values, decided to explain his take on how the gay lifestyle doesn't align with those values.  This received incredible backlash leading to ESPN's eventual apology for his remarks.  This is precisely where the my issue lies regarding POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in sports... STOP APOLOGIZING FOR AN INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSING HIS OPINIONS AND VIEWS SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY DON'T FALL IN LINE WITH THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA'S TAKE ON THE ISSUE!!!!!

One more issue that had come up in recent months was ESPN analyst Rob Parker's remarks regarding Robert Griffin III (RG3), the quarterback for the Washington Redskins.  During a discussion regarding RG3 on ESPN's first take Parker proceeded to question Griffin's "blackness" simply stating that because Griffin has a white fiance and may be a republican he is not down with "the cause".  This crosses the line regarding the separation of political correctness and sports. This type of mentality is why the black community in this country has such a hard time getting ahead.  RG3 is an individual who should be praised for his values and his ability to act as a role model in the black community.   Instead he is demeaned by pathetic individuals like Rob Parker simply to remain "POLITICALLY CORRECT."

These various issues are precisely why sports just aren't what they used to be.  The sick, twisted, and even demented minds of many liberals have leaked into our once pure means of competition. We must understand that politics have no place in sports, as sport is merely a means to compete against one another in a variety of physical competitions.  Keep sports pure, let individuals compete in an arena free of political influence and we may once again have what we once had... PURE COMPETITION. In the words of one of the greatest coaches of all time... Winning isn't everything, IT'S THE ONLY THING!!! - Vince Lombardi


Saturday, April 20, 2013

They Are Called Illegal Immigrants for a Reason

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - Individuals who come to this country ILLEGALLY!!!

You may ask how is it that an individual can be considered illegal.  The idea is quite simple, we have a document called The Constitution of the United States that was drafted some 200 or so years ago that has acted as the document from which we find he basis for our government and the laws that govern our land.  In this document we find a portion of writing that touches on immigration and how individuals should legally emigrate to the country of freedom and liberty.

If you are wondering where in the Constitution it refers to immigration, the 14th amendment to the Constitution states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” are, “citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  As a result if you are born here you are automatically a citizen.  This doesn't necessarily touch on the issue we are facing today with roughly 11 million illegal aliens currently residing in this country.

We can also refer to the Constitution for help with the "illegal immigration" issue as well. 

Progressives are constantly talking about how the Constitution must adapt to the times this couldn't be more true with the immigration debate as we must adapt to the changing times with regard to immigration.  Long ago immigrants came here through ports like Ellis island and and the port of Galveston and they had specific standards they must abide by to gain admittance into the US. Today we have immigration laws that must be adhered to to become a United States citizen just as we did then. 

These laws are being directly broken when ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who make the decision to cross the border illegaly.  This is where we must understand that these individuals are criminals, they shouldn't receive the same rights American citizens do, and they should be automatically deported back to Mexico.

Instead the liberal government we have in place today sees these individuals as "undocumented workers" giving them the ability to continue to reside here even though they pay no taxes while taking advantage of our healthcare and school systems.  This is precisely why we must all be concerned with the Immigration problem in the country!!!  It is not a debate, there is a simple solution deport those who aren't here legally and strengthen the border.  END OF DISCUSSION!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality and the Constitution

With all of the hullabaloo over the Supreme Court addressing same sex marriage, I can’t help but educate both progressives and liberals as to the Constitutionality of this issue.  First and foremost, both DOMA (the defense of marriage act) and what the Supreme Court is hearing right now, the marriage equality issue, are both unconstitutional.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage and whether or not marriage should be between a man and a woman or any combination of the two. As with many other issues, the federal government attempts to tackle an issue such as this that should fall within parameters set forth by the fourth amendment.  The fourth amendment ensures the federal government only addresses issues that pertain to the United States Constitution.  As a result it should be up to each individual state to decide how to handle same sex marriage.  

Another aspect of this issue I fear greatly is if this passes the Supreme Court is the idea that the federal government will then assume they have the power to decide whether or not religious institutions should honor same sex marriage, even if it is against their beliefs. The federal government could leverage religious institutions tax exempt status and threaten to revoke that status if they do not honor this.

This is why we must fight to get this issue and ones like this out of the Supreme Court and back to the individual states as the Constitution intended.  If we do not see this issue for what it is, more and more issues like this will be presented before the Supreme Court which will continue to erode away the foundational values this country was built upon.

Education Is Not a "Right"

Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States does it state that the federal government is burdened with the responsibility to provide each and ever child of the United States with an education.  Education is not a right, it is a privilege that many take for granted.  People in this country do not realize just how lucky they are to have the opportunity to take advantage of a free education.  The question becomes at what cost is this free education being administered and where is the breaking point.

As other countries around the world easily surpass the United States in regards to the quality of education, the federal government feels it necessary to simply throw more and more money at a problem they have yet to even come close to resolving.  If we look at the educational system in this country, it's hard not to come to the conclusion that something must be done to get our students back on track to once again being the envy of the world.

First and foremost, people in this country must rid themselves of the mindset of government reliance. If the government were to no longer provide a federal education in this country there is no reason to believe children would instantly become illiterate.

If we were to do away with the "federal education", education would then be left up to the states as intended by the Constitution.  Each individual state has the right to draft it's own Constitution and within that Constitution it can address the issue of education.  As a result it should not be up to the federal government to issue decrees regarding the educational system in this country and threaten teachers and other "state employees" with pay cuts and furloughs in the case of federal spending cuts.


We all pay taxes that directly support school system that provide an education for all children.  Suppose one family decides to have eight children and another only two yet both families pay the same amount of money in taxes. How is it that the family with less children should have to pay the same amount in taxes as the family with eight while one is consuming four times the services????

Also, suppose one family concentrates heavily on ensuring their children study and excel in school while the other could care less about how their children do in school.  It then becomes everyone's responsibility to pay for the children that don't do well as they are held back, placed in remedial classes, or even instructed to re-take the classes altogether.  Why is up to everyone to pay for others lack of discipline????


Now don't get me wrong, there are many great teachers out their who dedicate an enormous amount of time and effort into providing their students the tools to be successful and those teachers aren't rewarded enough for what they do.  While this is the case, there are plenty of teachers that simply skate by which is another issue that must be addressed and  can only be addressed by ensuring all teachers are held accountable.

Here's some insight to the mentality of some of the teachers teaching our young today.  This one administrator refers to her children as hostages simply due because she lies to parents saying the child is great in class rather than telling the truth.  As a result the student is a "hostage".

Chicago Teachers Union President Laughs About Lying to Parents Turning Students into Hostages

Regardless of the circumstances, I feel that we must get away from the idea that education is a "right" and get back to concentrating on the quality of the education.  That is only going to occur if we get the federal government out of this area, hold the teachers and the parents accountable, and raise the standards.

If liberals in this country can find it in themselves to understand that it is imperative to instill in kids the drive and desire to achieve, we can put our kids on the path of success.  We must praise academic achievement and reward kids for a job well done rather than downplaying their achievements just to ensure others "don't feel bad." That "feel bad" feeling is what should drive those who came up short to try harder and better themselves. If we can instill this in the young the desire to WIN, we can reverse the path we are currently on.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where Do We Draw the Line?!?!?!?!

I have gotten myself into several debates with friends and co workers in regards to our civil liberties and where to draw the line in regards to how much of those liberties we should surrender. This can often times be a sensitive topic, while this may be the case it is a topic that must be discussed. If we fail to take a topic like this into consideration the government will simply continue their trampling of our Constitution.

This lead me to my next point... The Constitution.  This is document was finally ratified in 1787 and has since provided the United States of America an outline from which we get not only the structure for which our government should function, but we also get our Bill of Rights.  This document known as the Bill of Rights is a list of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution ratified in 1791 that puts a limit on the governments ability to restrict the rights of American citizens.

This particular portion of the Constitution is what politicians, especially those on the left, seem to hate the most.  They see this document as a restriction on their power over us, the American people, which is exactly why the forefathers drafted the Bill of Rights in the first place. It simply amazes me that they had the foresight to see potentially where this government may one day end up.

This is precisely why we must continue to study the Constitution and it's bearing on society and realize that the left sees this document as a living document that can simply be revised on the whim of a politician or the president. This is simply not the case, there is a procedure already in place to make changes to the Constitution and that is the ratification process such has been done numerous times throughout history!

If this administration wants to make changes, let them abide by this process and if the changes they are pushing for are that significant they will pass!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What Is a Sequester?

As I'm sure many of you have heard by now we are facing the BIG, BAD SEQUESTER come March 1st. I, myself, have never heard of the word sequester and definitely had no idea what it meant until now.  For those of you on the same page as me, the term sequester according to Wikipedia means a general cut in government spending. When I realized the true meaning of this word I couldn't have been happier as I truly believe this government run amok needs to needs to put a stop to the printing press.

Now with the pending government spending cuts therein lies the question of what type of spending will be cut and what affects will these cuts have on us, the American people.  When I say American people I am referring to those of you who are like me, who work every day busting your but to make ends meet.

As I'm sure you all have heard from our glorious king Obama, the proposed sequester will mean we will face "doom and gloom."  (I couldn't be more sick and tired of the damn "doom and gloom" bullshit at this point.)  Some of the doom and gloom we are supposed to be facing includes the layoff of first responders, 70,000 children booted from the head start program, 10,000 teaching jobs jeopardized, and disability payments delayed. 
Before you head to the bridge freaking out thinking the world as we know it is going to end, there are a few things we need to consider. 

First and foremost, if these spending cuts take place it will be the first step in the right direction for this government that hasn't passed a budget since Obama has taken in office. These sequester enforced spending cuts will force this administration become accountable even though they will attempt to pass it off on the Republicans regardless of the fact that the sequester was Obama's idea in the first place.

The proposed effects of the sequester such as teacher and first responder layoffs shouldn't occur regardless of the sequester spending cuts as these individuals aren't employed by the federal government in the first place. We have also been made aware the sequester will result in defense spending cuts.  This is where we must be concerned as a reduction in defense spending could have drastic effects for our safety here and abroad.  I propose we cut the pork from many of the bills that pass through congress such as...
  • The U.S. government is spending $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.
  • The Obama administration plans to spend between 16 and 20 million dollars helping students from Indonesia get master’s degrees.
  • If you can believe it, the U.S. government has spent $175,587 “to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior”.
  • The U.S. government spent $200,000 on “a tattoo removal program” in Mission Hills, California.
  • The federal government has shelled out $3 million to researchers at the University of California at Irvine to fund their research on video games such as World of Warcraft.  Wouldn’t we all love to have a “research job” like that?
These are a few of the absolutely RIDICULOUS things this government is wasting our tax payer money on that could easily be cut if the sequester goes into effect.  Regardless of whether or not the threats this president makes are credible it has come to a point where if we don't begin to realize what is going on we may hit the point of no return.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sick of the Hollywood Elite!!!

What better night than tonight to touch on a topic such as this, a night in which those known as the "Hollywood Elite" get together to rejoice about how great they are.  It's come to a point where I feel we would all be better off without the "Hollywood Elite" that reside in their bubbles within their social circles in southern California. They sit high atop their perch where they have not a worry in the world and lecture us on how we are to live our day to day lives.  

They speak about how we shouldn't be driving "gas guzzling" cars, how we should do "our fair share for the betterment of society," and so on and so forth.  Sure other people in society make a large sums of money, but none try and lecture us on how we should live our lives more than the these pathetic people.  While many of they are scum as far as I'm concerned, there is one shining light among the darkness, and that one person is Denzel Washington. Recently it has been made known that actor Denzel Washington who "doesn't pal around with actor friends" (which I love him for) made a large donation to the Fisher House to help fund the building of an Army Veterans hospital. 

While we sit here and listen to each of the actors and actresses go on and on about how great they are, keep in mind that while they do make a large amount of money and also attempt to lecture each of us about how we don't do our "fair share" they are also each receiving a "swag bag" worth $47,802.  I find this completely reprehensible considering that sum of money could nearly pay off my entire student loan debt and to them it's just another "gift" which most likely means nothing to them.  It's ok though, because this is a taxable item which makes it so much better. 

I simply feel that these people are so retracted from society that they should be the last ones sitting there lecturing us on how we should be living our lives.  If any one of these individuals had to spend one day working some of the jobs we Americans do, making the salaries we make, and dealing with the real issues we deal with they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

-Young Conservative USA
  Twitter - @Steve0423