Monday, February 2, 2015

Conservative Outpost 1/28

Conservative Bits from

Twitter & Facebook

Liberal Hypocrisy

Just think of the news stories that would be swirling around if we had a Republican in office committing the types of unconstitutional acts like this president is and has been doing since he took office. Obama campaigned on changing up nearly everything Bish was doing, he campaigned on creating the most transparent government this country has ever seen and we have received nothing but empty promises and lies!! 

You have to love the liberal hypocrisy! The progressives preach to us (the peons) about doing our fair share while they demonize the rich for being successful all the while they live in the lap of luxury! I would love to see a progressive live the life they tell us we're supposed to live. But you know what they say communism is for the people, not the communist!! 

The War on Terror

We see news organizations like The BBC and Al Jazeera ban the word terrorist from their reporting and they wonder why terror attacks like the one that occurred in Paris actually happen... It's the pathetic, disgusting reluctance of our leaders to call out ilsamic terror for what it is and come right out and say we are going to defeat them... Instead we have a wussy president who bows to the Muslim leaders and attempts to create diplomatic relations with freaking terrorists all the while snubbing Israel, one of our greatest allies in the region! 

More Liberal Hypocricy

It's safe to say that this president is definitely a socialist bastards.... What we don't hear more of that we should hear more of is the fact that that while he may be the first black president he is still half white.

Beware of "Micro-Aggression"

The term micro-aggression is being tossed around now as an excuse to give liberals the means to justify actions that result from them being "offended". 

Anything that upsets one can now be deemed a micro-aggression and any subsequent actions are now justified so long as your an offended liberal. If we conservatives were to play the "micro-aggression" card we would be shot down IMMEDIATELY!! 

Speaking out against the "micro-aggression" movement! 

Ahh those trigger words are leading to my "micro-aggression" said the pathetic liberal progressive... 

Illegal Immigration

Where's the outrage over this?? We see a cop shoot when being attacked by the perpetrator and riots ensue... But Obama releases a freaking illegal immigrants from prison and that individual proceeds to shoot and kill an innocent store clerk and we hear NOTHING!! 

Sharia Law in America

Of all places for Sharia law to be rearing it's UGLY head, in Texas!! It's ok though I highly down most Texas residents will put up with this shit!! 

American Sniper

It's pretty sad and pathetic that a movie about an American her could create such a "culture war". The only culture war going on right now is the radical Islamic jihadis who want to see to it we are exterminated... And Chris Kyle was on the front lines to keep that from happening!! 

Radical Islam Around the World

Ohh but we have been told time and time again that these Muslims are peaceful individuals... If they were such peaceful people why is it that they are shoving sharia law down the throats of people who DO NOT WANT IT!?!? 

Young Conservative 
#tcot #RedNationRising 

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