Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tweeting the GOP Presidential Debate

How is it that anyone who is a true conservative could cheer for an individual like Paul Ryan?  From what we know Paul Ryan is a go along to get along kind of politician who will do nothing different than what we had with John Boehner.

We need politicians that will reduce the size of government and eliminate the regulations placed on small businesses. By ridding the our bloated government of over bearing regulations small businesses will have more assets to put into hiring more workers.

If we could get government out of healthcare we could leave it to localities to institute exchanges.  Get government out of healthcare and you let the free market take over which will inherently drive down costs through competition.

With quantitative easing and government manipulating interest rates we are seeing an unbalanced stock market that continues to go up and up.  Anyone with an ounce of common sense realizes that it can't continue to go up like this and eventually we will see the market correct itself.  I just hope that when it does we can recover from the possible repercussions.

We are involved in the International Monetary Fund which helps to aide in the elimination of poverty and economic cooperation around the world.  How about we stop attempting to be part of the world economic community as it continues to go to shit and concentrate on our own economic issues.

Hey Jeb it's quite obvious if we don't have growth the deficit will grow... The question is what are you going to do to help create an environment where capitalism can grow which will inevitably drive down the deficit.

Why is it that so many politicians fail to understand that the only way to truly reduce the unemployment rate is to create an environment in which small businesses can thrive by reducing govt regulations.

We see attacks left and right going after Dr. Ben Carson yet Trump gets praise and adoration from both the left and right and all aspects of media.  Ask yourself why is the media refusing to truly vet Donald Trump and ask him the tough questions!

 We all know damn well if American citizens decided they weren't going to pay their taxes we would all be thrown in jail.  Don't sit here and tell me the federal government with all of the technology we have today cannot find and deport every single illegal alien in this country.  Just look at Mexico's immigration policy! They are more strict with immigration than we are while they lecture us on how we are to treat the dead beat individuals they pawn off on us!

What we are witnessing at Missouri University is a prime example of what our institutions of higher learning have become.  Kids go to college and are coddled, they are sheltered from any type of dissenting opinion to avoid being "offended".

It's about time we see possible presidential candidates speak about the free market.  We need a government that understands the free market and the significance of keeping government from intervening in it!

The liberal progressive NEVER speaks about the family as they feel it is the governments role to take care of our children and coddle them from the cradle to the grave.  When government can teach the youth to rely on them for sustenance they have complete control over the masses!

- Young Conservative

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