Saturday, January 3, 2015

Conservative Bits January 3, 2015

Conservative Bits from
Twitter & Facebook 

Now that we've renewed ties with communist Cuba with no concessions whatsoever on Cuba's part what country will we bow down to next? 

How pathetic is it that we see individuals like this who become a millionaire yet still find it in themselves to scam the system!! 

You know a politician is good when they get dragged through the mud like Palin did. 

Happy New Year to all friends and family!! 

Bend over in 2015 as the Obama administration continues their hope and change campaign by continuing to stick it up the assets of American citizens. What worse is many don't even know it's happening!! 

God Bless our troops!! 

Just like our president you can judge Sharpton by the company he keeps!!

It's plain to see this country is headed down the path toward communism and the majority of the American citizenry don't even care! 

Not surprised that this president will do everything in his power to aid and assist the illegal aliens!! After all they are the only hope for the democrat party!! 

Did anyone really expect any of the illegals to actually show up to their immigration hearings? 

We must all support our local law enforcement! They are the ones who protect us from the likes of the moronic protesters we have seen in NYC and other cities around the country. 

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising

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