Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Conservative Twitter Bits 12/10

Conservative tweets from around the Twittershpere!

Our founding fathers were driven by a faith in God which shaped the nation we live in today!

We are indeed slowly succumbing to the tyranny that has become the United States Government. This is why we need to get back to the Constitutional principles this country was founded upon!

 It's utterly pathetic that we are concerning ourselves with the supposed interrogation tactics used by the CIA during the Bush years. This is a last ditch effort by dems to tarnish Republicans before they leave office!

 God Bless our troops! This #warriorwednesday we should remember those still serving around the world rather than bash them like the dems in office are currently doing with the release of the CIA report!
 These brave men are a few of the greatest generation that have is the freedoms so many take for granted today!

God Bless our Veterans and active duty military!
 Just when you think your have the worst day imaginable remember those who literally put it all on the line in order to preserve our freedoms!
With the "executive amnesty" Obama is pushing for he will effectively obliterate our borders as more and more ILLEGAL will inevitably cross into the United States seeking what he just unlawfully granted to 5 million.

 In the wake of the release of CIA interrogation tactics many Americans are forgetting why those tactics were used in the first place!
Only the liberal progressives would attempt to show any type of empathy for the pathetic Islamic, Muslim nut jobs as they kill countless Christians and Jews!
Gruber gate enters day two as Rep Cynthia Lummis takes the stand and girlls Gruber on how Obamacare failed her husband as he tried to get care through the Obamacare website!

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising

1 comment:

Unknown said...

@ruth1018 Like the way you set this up. It's to the point and says what needs to be said. This is not politics, it's real life. Wake up and smell the coffee.