Monday, October 6, 2014

White House Sends Thank You to Mosque of Beheader Prior to Beheading

The absolute pathetic, reprehensible behavior of this president never ceases to amaze!! It has been discovered that President Obola sent a thank you to the mosque that the individual who carried out the beheading in Oklahoma attended!! Not only was this the mosque that he attended, this mosque has multiple ties to radical Islam and the Muslim brotherhood!!

What the hell are people waiting for?? Wake the hell up and demand that we see justice for the atrocities that this president is to weak to condemn. Not only have we had our own ambassador murdered at Benghazi, we have had an actual beheading on American soil.

According to Breitbart,
"The White House has reportedly sent a top Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official to the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) to “present a special thank you to the Muslim congregation,” Oklahoma’s KFOR reports."

This heinous act of terrorism was referred to as "workplace violence" and has since been swept under the rug in leiu of the recent ebola case found in Texas. It's awfully funny how when one major incident occurs such as a Benghazi or the beheading in Oklahoma, another quickly arises to take the focus off of the president. After all you know what the not so great Rahm Emanuel once said, "You never let a good crisis go to waste."

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising

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