Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mexican Chopper Fires on Border Patrol While Sgt. Tahmooressi Rots

As I'm sure you are aware at this point, there was an incident on our southern border with Mexico today.  This incident trumps any of the recent incidents that have been occurring for weeks now where we have been continuously invaded by "young illegal immigrant children".  That's an entirely different story for another time.  What happened today amounts to an act of war and one that demands some sort of retaliation or at least a statement from the commander in chief.  Today our own border patrol agents were fired upon by a Mexican military chopper that crossed into United States air space.

This is by all means an act of war!  When a foreign country enters our own air space and fires on our own military personnel that is considered an act of aggression and demands a response of one form or another. And from multiple accounts this isn't the first time this has occurred as agents and even platoons of Mexican military officials have crossed our border and fired upon our border agents. Each and every time this has occurred we have simply released these individuals with their equipment and weapons and sent them on their merry way back across the border.

Let me ask you, what would happen if one of or a group of our military personnel happened to cross into Mexican territory and fire upon a Mexican military officer?  Oh wait, one of our soldiers did accidentally cross into Mexican territory, and without even firing a shot he was captured and taken into custody.  It has now been nearly three months that he has been held captive in a maximum security prison deep inside Mexico with no sign of him being released any time soon.

The time has come that our president and government grow a set of balls and stand up against not only the influx of illegal immigrants crossing our border but the literal invasion and firing upon our own border patrol agents. Has this country become so soft that we will not stand up against the Mexican government when our own men and women are fired upon? We need to demand that our Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi be released immediately and the next time a Mexican official so much as sets foot across that border without authorization he be detained indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay as an enemy combatant.  

Young Conservative

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grandpa Cochran Plays the Race Card

We are beginning to see the true colors of the RINO'S as they are resorting to dirtier and dirtier tactics to remain in office. The latest individual in the ever growing line of ancient congress men and women to employ these tactics is the incumbent republican representative Thad Cochran!!

Thad Cochran was up against Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniels to win the republican nomination for the Mississippi Senate seat. Polls had the race nearly dead even leading into yesterday's election. As a result Cochran sought to implement one of the dirty tactics often times used by the left, he played the race card! 

Below you can see just one the many flyers that were circulated in an effort to demean his opponent, Chris McDaniels.

Additionally, Cochran utilized a countless number of registered democrats to illegally vote this primary election!

Young Conservative

Monday, June 23, 2014

Building a Border Fence is Now Deemed Racist!!

We have seen just about everything from the left when it comes to making excuses to avoid building a fence at the southern border with Mexico.  The latest in the long line of excuses comes from Judge Beryl Howell, appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by President Obama in 2010. He agreed that the public interest is significant with regards to the possible impact building a fence may have on "lower income minority communities." These are the same communities that are comprised mainly of the illegal aliens.  We have a judicial system backing the radical left as they seek to provide special treatment to people who aren't even here legally!

Have we really come to a point in which we are more concerned with the rights of illegal aliens over those of American citizens?  As I have said before, we are no longer citizens in this country we are merely residents in a land with disappearing borders.  What many fail to see is that this is part of a bigger plan and plays right into Obama and the left’s Alinsky playbook. They are stopping at nothing to overrun this country with illegals in an attempt to blur the line between citizen and non-citizen.  

Young Conservative

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Americans Shouldn't Have to Compete with Illegals for Work

For more than two weeks know we have become keenly aware of the situation unfolding at the southern border with Mexico.  Prior to this becoming news there has been a steady influx of illegal immigrants over our border into Texas since the first of the year.  So far we are up to nearly 60,000 illegal immigrant youth that have made the trek not just from Mexico, but other central American countries including Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador, and there is an estimated 250,000 more on the way!

We constantly hear how these illegals are simply coming here because they want to work and are willing to do the jobs Americans won't do.  Would you like to know why Americans won't do "those jobs?"  The answer is quite simple, the United States Government is paying the flat ass society not to do those jobs.  As a result the illegals are coming here taking advantage of the booming under the table job market all the while they pay no taxes and send the majority of the money they earn back home.

With a sky rocketing unemployment rate and jobs hard to come by, one must ask question, why are we importing even more job hunters into this country?  There is a surplus of labor and we are importing individuals who don't have the means to truly contribute to society even if we were to grant them amnesty.  We constantly hear about how there is such a demand for high skilled workers to fill technology jobs.  Do you really think someone coming here illegally, floating across the Rio Grande on a door that speaks no English is going to walk into Google and actually posses the necessary skills to work there?

This is why we need the wall and we need it now.  This country simply cannot handle the influx of labor that is streaming across the border.  There aren't enough jobs for American citizens and we shouldn't have to fight the illegal aliens for the jobs that are available.

Young Conservative

Leading the Charge Against Common Core

Since the inception of common core we have seen many states, representative, and senators begin to take a stand against the common core teaching methods that are being pushed on our children throughout the country.  Now that we are truly seeing what these methods consist of, it is becoming quite clear that these standards are driven by the thirst for money from a variety of companies who have a large stake in the testing and programs implemented by common core.

Among the numerous Senators and Representatives that are beginning to take a stand against common core, there is one that I feel is leading the charge and really helping people to understand why this government initiative is such a threat to our children’s future.

Senator Grassley of Iowa is laying the groundwork for us to follow as he is spearheading an effort to take the educational decision making out of the hands of the federal government and place it back with the states and local municipalities where it belongs. He puts to rest the myth that common core was initially developed as a “state led” initiative and explains how it was really developed by the “National Governors Association” which is a private organization funded by Bill and Melinda Gates.

Senator Grassley isn't leading the charge against common core alone. He has a number of other prominent Senators including Tom Coburn, Ted Cruz, Deb Fischer, James Inhofe, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Pat Roberts, and Jeff Sessions who have all signed onto Senator Grassley’s letter asking the chair and ranking member of the subcommittee overseeing the U.S. Department of Education’s funding of Common Core to require that any funds appropriated to the Department of Education not be used to develop, implement, or evaluate state-level education standards, or to award grants or contracts for development, implementation, or evaluation of state level education standards.

Young Conservative


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Call the NSA for Lois Lerner's Emails

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has been heading up an investigation into the IRS targeting of Tea Party affiliated groups and individuals since in 2013. As the investigation progressed it became clear that Lois Lerner, the former director of the IRS exempt organizations unit, was at the heart of the scandal. Her electronic communications have since been subpoenaed including all of her email communications. 

We were then led to believe that the investigation was proceeding as planned until last Friday when the Internal Revenue Service conveniently informed Congressional investigators that they could no longer retrieve any of Lois Lerner's emails. They claim that the emails were lost due to a hard drive crash that resulting in the recycling of the hard drive as government IT officials were unable to save any of the data. 

How ironic that all of the sudden the emails have gone missing after all of the government investigations of the past year. If these emails went missing why are we first hearing of this now? Why wasn't anyone notified when the investigation began? If the emails really went missing as they would like us to believe those involved in the investigation should have been aware from the very beginning.

It is extremely hard for anyone to believe that in today's day and age emails just vanish when a hard drive crashes.  Anyone who knows anything about computers and email knows that emails aren't saved to the hard drive, they are stored on servers and often times backed up and archived. This is a government agency which has some of the most powerful servers in the world and you're telling me they lost the emails of one of their IRS employees due to a hard drive crash? C'mon a good portion of the American people may be idiots but just how dumb do they think we are?

We have the NSA listening to everything we do, monitoring our social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, checking in on our text messages, and recording and filing away our emails and web searches, and you expect us to believe that they somehow lost the emails of an IRS official. With programs like PRISM and MYSTIC and countless other programs we have never even heard of, the government has the means to see and hear everything we do and they have been brought to their knees due to a single hard drive crash.

According to an IT professional interviewed by The Blaze, there are six reasons why the emails aren't lost and are currently residing on a server somewhere.

1.      The government uses Microsoft Exchange for their email servers. They have built-in exchange mail database redundancy. So, unless they did not follow Microsoft’s recommendations they are telling a falsehood. You can see by the diagram below that if you have three servers in a DAG you have three copies of the database.

2.     Every IT organization that I know of has hotswappable disk drives. Every server built since 2000 has them. Meaning that if a single disk goes bad it’s easy to replace.

3.      ALL Servers use some form of RAID technology. The only way that data can be totally lost (Meaning difficult to bring back) is if more than a single disk goes before the first bad disk is replaced. In the diagram below you can see that its possible to lose a single disk and still keep the data.

4.     If the server crashed (Hardware failure other than disks), then the disks that contain the DATA for the Exchange database is still available because the server hardware and disks are exchangeable. Meaning that if I have another server with the same hardware in it, I can put the disks in and everything should boot right up.

5.     All email servers in a professional organization use TAPE backup. Meaning if all the above fails, you can restore the server using the TAPE backups.

6.      If they are talking about her local PC, then it’s a simple matter of going to the servers which have the email and getting them from the servers. If the servers have removed the data you can still get them by using the backups of the servers to recover the emails.

Man's U.S. Flag a Threat to Muslim Neighbor

We Americans do not take down our flag for anyone regardless of who it may "offend"!!  Much less when it offends an individual of Muslim decent as they tend to be a group of individuals with the most disdain for our country and our way of life!

Well in the town of Webster, Texas a man was told to do just that.  He was displaying his American flag on the balcony of his apartment and this apparently offended a Muslim neighbor of his. He was subsequently asked to remove the flag as to not offend that neighbor.
The apartment manager explained,

"While the Lodge on El Dorado admires our resident’s patriotism, we must enforce our property rules and guidelines. Such guidelines maintain the aesthetics of our apartment community and provide for the safety of all residents. The apartment community already proudly displays our country’s flag in a safe and appropriate manner at the entrances to our community."
Since when is displaying the American flag your apartment balcony infringing anyone's safety or the aesthetics of the community?

Young Conservative

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

R.I.P. Redskins

The sports world is becoming more politically correct with each passing season. What was once a means to escape the day to day drag of ones job, the stresses of dealing with the liberal progressives morons we all have to deal with, and any other stresses of the real world has become a means to an end for the politically correct liberal idiots!

We have seen Bob Costas go on anti-gun rants on Monday night football, we have seen ESPN anchors call out conservative players like RG3 by calling him a "cornball brother" and saying he's not "down with the cause", and today we see the patent office take it upon themselves to cancel the patent of the Washington Redskin's name. 

I think it's safe to say that this is going to far. We're getting to a point at which the government is far overstepping their boundaries to appease the always offended politically correct left. This plays right into their agenda to restructure the entire English language in an effort to make sure no one is offended ever again.

The bottom line is we have a right to free speech, the Redskins are a private entity, and the government has no business dabbling in the affairs of a private business.

-Young Conservative

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The New York Is Home Act, Giving Illegals the Rights of Citizens

As reported on Yahoo News!, a New York Senator named Gustavo Rivera, is attempting to push a bill through the New York Senate that would essentially give illegal aliens living in New York City and State many of the rights we as citizens are awarded. One of these rights includes the right to vote in both local and state elections. Senator Rivera explains, "Nearly 3 million people in the state of New York currently reside here and make New York their home, but can't fully participate in civic, political, and economic life."  

What the senator fails to touch on is the fact that these individuals are here illegally.  As a result they are not to be awarded the same rights of a citizen. We are quickly becoming a nation of residents as one of my favorite radio talk show hosts, Andrew Wilkow, loves to say.  This government under Obama is blurring the line between the citizen and the illegal alien in an effort to make us a nation of residents.  This will in turn give them the millions of votes they need to keep their foothold in Washington. 

People throughout the country are beginning to wake up to the antics of Obama and is cronies.  This is why we are seeing their political machine going into overdrive.  They are flooding the southern border with illegal immigrant children in an effort to overwhelm the system.  They are also attempting to play on the heart strings of Americans as they pit these children against the American people.  This tactic is no different than ones used by dictators throughout history, just look at what Hitler did during the time of Nazi Germany as he pitted the children against the people and indoctrinated them into believing his rhetoric.  This is playing out before our very eyes and many are too stupid to even realize it.

Mr. Rivera also goes on to explain, "With failure at the national level on comprehensive immigration reform, the question we have asked is what can states do?" Well Mr. Rivera the states cannot do a single thing as policies with regards immigration and naturalization fall strictly within the confines of the federal government. Section 1 of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”   There you go Mr. Rivera, you and your state cannot do a single thing with regards to immigration and if you attempt to do so you should be impeached from office and thrown in prison.

-Young Conservative


Monday, June 16, 2014

Hillary the Bible Thumper

It is simply amazing the lengths liberal progressives like Hillary Clinton will go to try and sway the uninformed, illiterate, followers of the left and even some in the middle.  Her latest charade is even more comical than many of her previous ones.

This time around Hillary Clinton is taking to Twitter to try and explain how much of an influence Bible has on her life,

"The Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it, and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort, and encouragement."

One should as Hillary where her faith based principles were when Benghazi took place. How she could sit idly by as Americans were slaughtered abroad and then go on to exclaim,

"What difference does it make?"

Below are a few of the Twitter responses to her idiotic quote!!

-Young Conservative

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Jihadist's Parting Words "I'll See You In New York"

These were the parting words of an Islamic militant that was recently released by the U.S. According to TheBlaze "The U.S. let him go, and he left, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi allegedly had some disturbing words for his captors. 'I'll see you guys in New York.' "

These frightening words should send chills down the spine of ever single American citizen as this president is implementing a policy in which he is arbitrarily releasing prisoners from Guantanamo Bay directly back into the battle field. 

While this guy wasn't considered to be the worst of the worst it is still concerning that threats if this magnitude are coming from the mouths of higher ranking individuals within the Al Qaeda movement.

Young Conservative

The Islamic Caliphate Is Coming

What exactly is the Islamic Caliphate? And is this Islamic Caliphate an impending threat to the United States?

Fist off we must understand what exactly a caliphate is. According to Wikipedia a caliphate is, "A caliphate (from the Arabic: خلافة‎ khilāfa, meaning "succession") is an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and political leader known as a caliph – i.e. "successor" – to Muhammad and the other prophets of Islam. So we can come to the conclusion that a caliphate has to do with the Muslim religion.  The idea of a caliphate actually dates back to as early as A.D. 632.  The only real aspect of the Muslim Caliphate that we need to truly be concerned with is the one currently being carried out by the radical Muslims of the group known as Al Qaeda. 

The group known as Al Qaeda has a clearly stated goal and that is to re-institute the Muslim Caliphate.  In 2005 this group explained that they were going to move forward with "phase five" which is to move forward with implementing the Islamic state. It is believed that if this caliphate is established that Egypt would be a rallying point in leading their jihad against the west including the Jewish State and the United States. 

Now that we understand what a caliphate is and what the intentions are of Al Qaeda, one might wonder how exactly they intend on doing this.  With the current state of affairs throughout the middle east it is becoming quite clear as events are beginning to unfold leading to the destruction of Iraq. As Al Qaeda funded groups make there way towards Baghdad, the fall of Iraq back into radical Muslim hands is becoming a harsh reality.  

This would be a huge step into pushing forward with their Muslim Caliphate. But the truly scary aspect of this scenario is the actions of our president here at home.  Just recently he released five high level terrorists back into the middle east.  Not more than a few weeks after their return we are seeing major unrest throughout countries he claimed we left with resources for them to defend themselves.  Those same resources such as tanks, Humvee's, and even fighter jets are now at risk of falling into the hands of the terrorists. 

Not only do we have to deal with the unrest a half a world away, we have major unrest at our own southern border.  We have recently seen an influx of illegal immigrant children into the states of Texas and California. This has put a huge strain on our border patrol officers and greatly inhibited their ability to actually patrol the border.  What is even more disturbing about this is the fact that the border is now more open than it has ever been which leaves the door wide open to terrorists should they decide to enter the country.  

Young Conservative

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's the Cloward-Piven Strategy and It's Taking Place Right Now at the Mexican Border

Many aren't familiar with or haven't even heard of the Cloward-Piven Strategy but it playing out on the Mexican border and is getting worse with each passing day.

For those who don't know the idea behind the Cloward-Piven strategy began with two American sociologists named Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their plan was to overload the U.S. public welfare system to precipitate a crisis that would lead to the replacement of the welfare system with a national system of a  "guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty".

This is exactly what we see playing out at our southern border.  Since the beginning of this year there have been roughly 60,000 illegal immigrant children that have broken our immigration laws and made their way into this country. Many have trekked across Mexico from countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.  They have done so due in large part to the advertisements that have been running throughout many of the central American countries welcoming them into the United States and explaining that they will not be turned away.

This is where the Cloward-Piven Strategy comes into play.  It's awfully funny that there have been reports of ads being played throughout these countries welcoming these children to America. You may wonder, why is this occurring? Well it's quite simple. First you make arrangements to welcome the children into this country, then you make subsequent arrangements to welcome in the families and even friends of those children.

It is already unfolding in many border towns. The media outlets are flocking to the border to capture the horrid images of the children living in squalor and it is all to be blamed on the evil Americans. How can we let these children come here and not receive the best healthcare available? How can we not provide them with the ethnic food they deserve? How can we not provide them with adequate living conditions?  

It's really quite simple, it is not the responsibility of the American tax payer to provide anyone with anything, especially those who come to this country illegally.

It's absolutely pathetic that we are rushing so much aid to the border to assist with the self inflicted "humanitarian crisis" that Obama has purposefully imposed on these children and this country.  It is the fault of the American Federal Government that this is taking place as they have failed to take the necessary steps to secure the border. Obama himself has gone out of his way to circumvent immigration laws to avoid deporting illegals and has even released tens of thousands of illegal immigrant criminals from our penal systems onto American streets.

Young Conservative

Obama Told Us Al Qaeda Was Dead

According to our current commander in chief Al Queda is dead and the war in Iraq is long over. We are also winding down our war efforts in Afghanistan as Obama single handedly caught Osama bin Laden. You know he did it all by himself, it's not like we had Seal Team 6 go in and successfully complete their mission, Obama took all of the glory for himself.

Fast forward two years and we are again on the brink of having to intervene in Iraq yet again as terrorist factions funded by Al Queda, which Obama said was dead, are ramming their way through that country and headed straight towards Baghdad.
The events unfolding throughout the middle east are going are going largely unreported as Obama's main stream media is keeping everything hush-hush to avoid scrutiny over his lack of a foreign policy! Here are just a few of the reports showing what is really going on throughout Iraq.

Young Conservative

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Tea Party is Alive and Well

It's utterly pathetic to see just how low the left is willing to stoop to ensure their continued reign over our lives and our pocketbooks.  With the ouster of Eric Cantor, John Boehnor's right hand man, we are beginning to see the revival of conservative principals one of which was Dave Brat's stance on amnesty.  Another contributing factor in his victory was his ability to speak to the people and make them understand the importance of a sound view of economics and ethics.

This amnesty issue is one that has been tossed around for quite some time now as each side of the isle fights on just how to address the issue.  Lately as more and more RINO's (republicans in name only) are making there way into the GOP it was looking like amnesty was going to become a reality.  With the defeat of Eric Cantor amnesty has been dealt a HUGE blow!!

The establishment has been served a big reality check.  Yesterday a no name, Dave Brat, took down one of the highest ranking individuals within the Republican party in the house Eric Cantor. This was considered a stunning upset as Cantor, a long time congressional incumbent, was considered a shoe-in by many as his analysts had him up in the polls by 34 points as late as Monday.

What made this victory even sweeter for Tea Partiers everywhere, especially Dave Brat, is the fact that he spent as much on his entire campaign, roughly $120,000, as Eric Cantor spent one night at a steakhouse during his own campaign.  He was far outspent overall as Cantor's campaign budget topped five million dollars.

While the fight is far from over this is an epic start as we see that people are becoming fed up with the establishment of both parties as it is becoming  quite clear they do not have the best interests of the American people in mind.  They spend money, print more money, and spend some more.  They rob future generations of wealth while taxing the rich to give to the flat ass society they are creating.  We now have hope that people are beginning to seek truth when electing politicians, and that they want politicians with a respect for the rule of law and an understanding of economics and ethics.

Young Conservative

Obama Student Loan Plan is Another House of Cards

Just the other day President Obama made another one of his now infamous, unconstitutional, EXECUTIVE ACTIONS!!

This time he took on the evil student loan lenders and the massive amount of student loan debt accrued by individuals over the last 10 to 15 years.  I too am a part of that group of individuals as I currently have over $50,000 in student loans.

The student loan issue goes far deeper than just the outstanding loans.  The underlying issue is the fact that we in this country face an idea that every single young person leaving high school must go onto college or they will surely grow up to be a failure. This couldn't be farther from the truth as there are plenty of jobs available such as electricians, plumbers, and even garbage men, etc. and each of those professions, albeit, not all are the most sought after jobs, can earn one a nice salary.

So those that do make the choice to go to college are faced with many decisions.  I can attest to the decisions that must be made beginning with deciding what to study.  Once that decision is made, it then becomes necessary to decide which courses to take.  This is where the problem lies. We as college students are required to take far more courses that should be necessary to fulfill the requirements for the projected major.  Why is it necessary to take history in college to become a math teacher or to take math to become as a history major.  And then you have the completely useless "electives" that are required for... well I still can't figure out why we are required, and we are required to pay for those ridiculous courses.  If one could simply take the necessary courses to complete their major we could both cut back on the time it takes to complete college and cut back on the amount of money spent.

Once college is finished many are faced with the task of repaying upwards of $100,000 in student loan debt.  This arduous task is made even more confusing as there are countless repayment plans and the unending interest that is tacked on as the payments are made.

Just the other day our glorious president announced that student loan repayments had to be capped at no more than 10% of what an individual earns.  This aspect of the plan I can agree with.  What I absolutely cannot agree with the idea that after 20 years the remaining balance of the student loan debt will be forgiven.  How the hell does he simply say ones debt will be forgiven?  Where does he get the power to forgive debt? And where does the money come from to repay the debt he magically made disappear from ones account?

This is the mentality that has to change and it has to change now.  Time and time again the government takes on the role of chief financial officer of our lives as they arbitrarily pick and choose what debts will be forgiven, who qualifies for low income housing, how many food stamps will be doled out.  What people fail to realize is that the money comes from somewhere.  The government cannot just make debt disappear without another person or group of people assuming that debt in some way.  Until this changes we will continue to see the lower class individuals skate along at the expense of those who work for a living.

Young Conservative

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Calling for Obama's Impeachment

Over the years there has been the occasional outcry for the impeachment of the sitting president Barack Obama.  On multiple occasions he has overstepped the boundaries placed on his powers as president as he has taken it upon himself to both legislate and arbitrarily enforce laws as he sees fit.

We have seen him rewrite the Obamacare requirements time and time again when specific groups or businesses disagree with how it being implemented.  We have seen him push back deadlines for specific groups while enforcing the law on others. 

We have also seen Obama's complete disregard for immigration law as he has released tens of thousands illegal immigrant prisoners onto American streets, into towns and neighborhoods like yours mine.  He has also made a point not to enforce border law by putting restrictions on how our patrol is able to operate.  Most recently we have welcomed roughly 60,000 underage illegal immigrant children into this country and our president referring these children as refugees.  Refugees from what???

The last straw should be this recent release of five enemy combatants from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl. This was done with blatant disregard for the law, a law he specifically claimed would uphold!! We are getting to a point in which this president is taking on dictatorial powers as recently exclaimed when stated that he has a pen a phone and he will use it!

Young Conservative

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mr. President This is Not Your Government, It is OUR GOVERNMENT!!

Did I miss something or is the government of the United States a government for the people and by the people? Well for some reason our president seems to feel otherwise he told Dan Rather in a recent interview on NBC.

In this interview the president explains that when a soldier that wears our uniform is captured behind enemy lines we do everything in our power to bring that soldier back home.  I could not agree more with that sentiment, but the questions remains at what cost.  What type of sacrifice must be made to bring home any soldier from behind enemy lines?

Apparently Mr. Obama feels that he has the right to act alone in determining what sacrifices can be made to bring a soldier home, in this case the release of Bowe Bergdahl. Obama went back on his word yet again as he circumvented congressional approval and put in motion the swap that landed five high level terrorists back in the hands of the enemy.

There are many questions surrounding this particular incident such as why were those five of the highest level terrorists that were being held in Guantanamo Bay released to a country such as Qatar?  Why was this individual, Bergdahl, held in such high regard even though so many of his comrades confirmed that he was indeed a deserter?

Mr. President we the people demand answers and we demand them now as to why every single American citizen at home and abroad, and every soldier around the world has been placed in increased danger as a result of this horrible trade. Additionally, this is not "your government" this is OUR GOVERNMENT, we elected you, we elect every single member of the House, and the Senate.  We do so in good faith that those who we elect will abide by the law and the Constitution.

Young Conservative

Friday, June 6, 2014

Underage Illegal Immigrants Flood Across Mexican Border

Illegals of all ages have been pouring across the southern border for quite some time now. Rough estimates put the number of current illegal immigrants in this country somewhere around 11 million. This number is up for debate as more and more illegal immigrants pour across the border on a daily basis.

Recently we have seen a major influx of illegal immigrant children making the trek across the border, many coming alone.  They come from countries south of Mexico, countries including Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. They flee those countries and make their way through Mexico, a country with stricter immigration laws than we currently have, in an attempt to make it to America.

What is causing this influx of underage illegal immigrants. According to, an ABC news affiliate in the Rio Grande Valley, many south in countries throughout central America are viewing television ads encouraging them to make the journey to America. They are being told that once they arrive here they will be met with open arms, given jobs, healthcare, and much more.

We on the American side of the border are also being inundated with propaganda attempting to tug at our heartstrings. We are being told that these people simply want to come here for a better life. That may indeed be the case for some, but most are attempting to come here in an effort to take advantage of our welfare system run amok and to gain wealth they can send back home, all while contributing nothing to our country as they pay nothing into the system they are taking advantage of.

Right now in Austin, Texas there are roughly 60,000 illegal immigrant children between the ages of 7 and 18 being housed in a military installation at Lackland Air Force Base. Recently President Obama addressed the situation as a humanitarian crisis and is enacting procedural measure to deal with it including the use of federal agencies such as FEMA. In addition to utilizing FEMA to deal with this "crisis" there are also plans to fly these children to live with family members who may already be here or to simply fly them to other parts of the country.

If this current influx of illegal immigrant children continues, it is estimated that by year's end we will have roughly 120,000 underage illegal immigrants residing in the United States.

Young Conservative

Michael Hastings Death a Direct Result of Bowe Bergdahl Story!

There have been many stories throughout the past week regarding the recent release of Bowe Bergdahl, a supposed "POW" held "captive" in Afghanistan for roughly five years.

We have heard from his comrades, nearly all of which are saying the same thing. They are all coming out and confirming he was indeed a deserter and in effect a traitor. His desertion in turn led to the loss of innocent lives in the subsequent search for him once he left.

What if this could have been prevented? What if there was a reporter who was onto this story was indeed Michael Hastings and the government did whatever they could to cover it up?

The next day, American forces had a chance to free Bowe. The battalion operations officer, call sign GERONIMO 3, met with two tribal elders from the nearby village. The elders had been asked by the Taliban to arrange a trade with U.S. forces. The insurgents wanted 15 of their jailed fighters released, along with an unidentified sum of money, in exchange for Bowe. The officer hedged, unwilling or unable to make such a bargain, and no deal was struck. Instead, the Army ordered all units stationed in the eastern half of Afghanistan – known as RC East, in military jargon – to join the search for Bowe.

A brief excerpt of Hastings reporting goes as follows,

"On July 4th, the search effort got a break: Bowe was spotted in a village in Ghazni, about 15 miles across the mountains to the west. He was wearing khaki, with a bag covering his head, and he was being driven in a black Toyota Corolla, escorted by three to five motorcycles. But by the time troops arrived to investigate, it was too late. That was the last time that Bowe would be seen until the first propaganda video, released later that month."

According to Dean Garrison at DC Clothesline,

"Michael Hastings got Bowe Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers to speak upon conditions of anonymity while disobeying the “gag orders” of their superiors."

So the entire case surrounding the return of Bowe Bergdahl thickens even more. Did Michael Hastings know something the government didn't want the public be aware of? Was this a set up to provide grounds for the release of the five top level terrorists from Guantanamo bay? Let's hope we get the entire story sooner rather than later!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bergdahl Declared Jihad While In Captivity


It's safe to say, at this point all fingers are pointing to the fact that Bowe Bergdahl was indeed a traitor as many of his former comrades are confirming. Reports suggest that he willingly left the base to take up arms with the enemy.  Shortly after he left the base it is also being reported that as many as six of our own soldiers were killed while attempting to recover him.

Fox News own Megan Kelly interviewed some of those very individuals that were part of the search and fought alongside him. Each of these individuals felt that Bergdahl should at least face a court marshal to bring forth what really happened while he was help captive. 

It is important we follow the rule of law and ensure that Bergdahl is indeed tried before a military tribunal.  Once the facts come out and we see exactly what took place he should face the punishment in accordance with the crime.

Young Conservative

George Bush was More Competent than Obama

A recent Fox News poll shows that more and more Americans are beginning to believe that former president George Bush was more competent that current president Barrack Obama.  This may seem hard to believe considering how harsh the left was to Bush throughout his two terms as president as they constantly accused him of being a war criminal and the like.  The constant mud slinging from the left was relentless.

We fast forward to current day and we see a president that campaigned on "hope and change" and ensured that we would see one of the most transparent governments in American history. What we got was the exact opposite as we now have a president with no regard for the law.  Time and time again he breaks laws that even he helped put into place.  The most recent law he has broken was the law that he would not release prisoners without first addressing congress.

The question from the poll: “Do you think the Obama administration is more or less competent than the George W. Bush administration?”

More competent: 42%
Less competent: 48%
Same as: 7%
Don’t know: 3

In addition, a few more items from the poll: “Has the Obama administration made America stronger or weaker?”

Stronger: 35%

Weaker: 55%

And finally: Do You Approve or Disapprove of the Job Barack Obama is Doing as President?

Approve: 40%

Disapprove: 54%

Young Conservative

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Apology Tour Continues with Jonah Hill

The apology tour continues!!! 

Apologies have become so common place now that one can almost predict the exact context the apology will contain.  First, the individual apologizing must sympathize with the supposed protected class he offended.  He or he must then relate to that class and somehow explain that they are part of or can relate to every single individual within that class. Finally, they must include the typical lawyer speak to ensure they aren't sued by some over zealous attorney for simply exercising their first amendment right, FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!

Where do we draw the line with regards to these pathetic, generic apologies we are seeing now on a daily basis?  What happened to someone simply making an off color remark and others taking into account the situation in which the remark was made.  As is the case with the remark make by Jonah Hill when he told a paparazzo "suck my d***, f*****".  

It was quite obvious he was indeed being harassed by this cameraman for quite some time to get him to the point where he would make such a statement. Can't we just understand that people don't always say what they mean in the heat of the moment. I'm sure nearly everyone out there has made some sort of off color remark whether it be in the privacy of their own home or among friends that they may not have meant or could easily be misconstrued. 

This censorship of speech that the left is attempting to implement throughout society will have drastic affects on nearly everyone as more and more words are becoming "offensive" and in turn requiring an apology from various individuals.  Eventually we will get to a point where those who are the ones offended will in turn be the offenders.  What will happen then when the tables are turned on them and others are demanding an apology from them. The entire idea of censoring speech is a slippery slope and it needs to stop.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Progressive Minimum Wage Hike Backfires in Suburban Seattle Town

Since the 1930's progressives in this country have waged a war on the worker. As with nearly all progressive policies, the institution of the minimum wage has lead this country on a path to destruction.  Fast forward to present day and it's easy to see the idea of minimum wage has taken on a mind of it's own. When minimum wage was conceived it was designed to be a stepping stone to a better paying job not a salary to support a family.

Seattle Minimum WageWe see the effects of an increased minimum wage on a small suburban town right outside of Seattle called SeaTac.  At the beginning of the year it was decided that minimum wage in this town would be raised to $15 an hour.  
This wage hike was initially met with applause and adulation as many thought it would bring more jobs to town and put more money in people's pockets. Little did they realize it may put more money in people's pockets but there are less pockets being filled as many businesses proceeded to lay off workers, cut back on benefits, and raise the prices of the goods and services they offer.

As reported in the Seattle Times the $15 minimum wage floor will inevitably have "some casualties" as  "unskilled workers are going to have a harder time finding jobs" and workers who manage to find work will "have to go the extra distance" to earn their $15 wage.

US Minimum Wage

According to small businesses are another area hard hit by the increased minimum wage.  Many small business owners operate on a very limited budget. As a result, they have little to offer prospective employees when the start out.  This increased minimum wage will inevitably make it that much harder for new businesses to take root in SeaTac. When an individual is brought on to fill an entry level position with limited responsibilities most businesses do not see fit to pay that employee upwards of $15 an hour.

With the increased wage floor created by the minimum wage hike comes the need to pay higher skilled employees in proportion to the lower skilled wage earners. If one individual is starting out at $15 an hour and another employee has been there for an extended period of time only earning roughly $17 an hour that hardly seems fair.  After all isn't the minimum wage increase designed to ensure everyone earns a "living wage". Why should a worker who is starting out earn nearly as much as a higher skilled senior level employee?

It has become quite obvious that the negative effects of increasing the minimum wage far outweigh any "possible" positive outcomes. Capitalism and the laws of supply and demand should determine wages. It is not the government's responsibility to determine how much an individual should be making, if one wants to earn a higher salary simply work harder and smarter. There are still far more opportunities in this country than any other country in the world if you are simply willing to pay the price.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Tonight we take to Twitter to partake in the Twitter activism that has run rampant in this country today. Since the inception of the hashtag "BringBackOurGirls" was pathetically instituted by the first lady, everyone who feels they stand for any cause, regardless of how insignificant that cause may be, takes to Twitter to "make a difference." This is where we, the Conservative patriots, around the country take on a cause, one far more significant than #BringBackOurGirls as we need to get the word out about our marine currently being held captive in a Mexican prison.

With the popularity of #BringBackOurGirls our president and government have seriously considered sending our troops, mothers and fathers, into a foreign country solely on the pressure cause by social media. If social media possesses this type of power, there is no reason that we cannot utilize this resource to ensure our marine's safe return.  

Couple the pressure from social media using the hashtag "BringBackOurMarine" and the petition on

There is no reason why we can't have our marine back home within hours!!

Young Conservative

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Teaching American History Is Racist

Have we really come to the point in this country where it is now being considered racist to teach American history as it actually happened. Apparently in a town in Michigan this is the case, as a teacher has recently been suspended for showing a video in which white people depicted a black person using black face.  The objective of this lesson was to provide oversight into how far we have come in this country with regards to racism and the persecution of the African American.

If we begin to put restrictions on how history is taught, we are do our students and subsequent generations of young people a great disservice. It is essential we ensure the children of tomorrow understand the mistakes of yesteryear or they are bound to repeat them.

Following the history teacher, Alan Barron's, suspension there has been a massive amount of public outcry as parents are extremely upset at how the situation has been handled.  Alan has been teaching history in this district for 36 years and was one month from his retirements before being suspended.

The hashtag "FreeMrBarron" has since been created in an effort to affect the situation and make people aware of the importance of teaching our children history as it is meant to be taught, how Mr. Barron taught it.  We must get make people aware of the distortion of history in schools throughout the United States, our children's livelihood depends on it!

Young Conservative

Questions Behind the Release of Bowe Bergdahl

The news has recently broke that our last service person held captive in Afghanistan has since been released back to the United States.  What isn't being reported on is the price we paid to bring that soldier back home. I more than anyone understand the significance of bringing home our service men and women from war, but the question remains at what cost.  To bring home our solder, our president released five, count'em, FIVE terrorists from our military installation in Guantanamo Bay. It has been reported that these terrorists will be released to the authorities in Qatar, but from there who knows where exactly they will end up.

What is even more chilling about this entire situation is the tweet that was posted on the Twitter account of Bowe Bergdahl's father Robert Bergdahl,

"@ABalkhi I am still working to free Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!"

This tweet has since been deleted. But the question still remains.  What exactly was behind the release of our prisoner and the subsequent release of the five terrorists back into the hands of the Muslim bortherhood.

Another question that must be addressed is why are we putting so much effort into getting this one particular prisoner back when we also have a marine, Andrew Tahmooressi, trapped in a Mexican maximum security prison for more than 60 days.

We currently have a president and an administration who is more concerned about political gain and political capital than the true security and safety of our service men and women at home and abroad.  The only time this president acts is when he can in some way, shape, or form benefit directly from the situation.

Young Conservative,