Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Police Fatally Shoot ARMED Man in St Louis Suberb

News reports are coming in this morning of another fatal police shooting just miles away from where the Mike Brown shooting tool place.

According to CNN,

Police say the officer shot him in self-defense.

The officer with the City of Berkeley Police Department had encountered two men during a routine check at a Mobil gas station, Schellman said. He got out of his squad car and approached them.

One of the men pointed a gun at the officer, who fired multiple times at him, fatally wounding him. The second man fled, police said.

Of course, long before any of the facts are brought to light and we truly know exactly what occurred the morons on Twitter begin to go absolutely nuts...

This is automatically lumped in with the rest of the individuals killed by police including Mike Brown who according to the evidence attacked Darren Wilson and Eric Garner who was also killed by police. Albeit the Eric Garner incident was completely different and could of been prevented...

As you can see below Twitter was abuzz with speculation that this was a cover up and that the cops were simply leaving him there to die.  From what has been reported the police could have let first responders in to treat the victim. From what it looks like though the idiotic protesters that showed up within minutes of the shooting impeded any help from arriving to possibly save Antonio's life! The scene was definitely not secure and therefore it wasn't safe for EMS to enter the scene! Just look at what took place in Ferguson, do you think first responders should have risked their lives to save someone who was shot as a result of pointing a gun at a police officer?

As with the other cases in which a cop has shot a black man the entire twitter community and the media alike rush to judgement and automatically blame the cops. We have seen first hand what that type of media attention has done in NYC with the ridiculous protests and subsequent assassination of two of New Yorks finest!

This is the type of mentality that has lead to the innocent deaths of the two NYPD officers. But go ahead and keep up the pathetic rhetoric that is only making police citizen relationships even worse! 

It doesn't take long for the agitators to take to the streets... Long before we know any of the facts of the case! 

Again all of this should be met with equal skepticism but this appears to be the gun that Antonio Martin pointed at officers before he was shot. 

It's statements like this that light the fires of racism in this country. Maybe this individual should be speaking out against the thug culture rather that the Jim Crow South! 

Wouldn't you fear for your life if anyone pointed a gun at you regardless of whether or not you're a police officer!? 

How about the thugs of St Louis County are at it again! 

It's racism when a black man points a gun at a police officer?? 

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Obama Quietly Passes myRA Bill Using Cuba Swap as Diversion

While everyone sat around gawking at how great this president of ours is because he sanctioned the release of three Cubans jailed in the U.S. in return for Alan Gross, Obama quietly moved forward with one of his promises outlined in last January's State of the Union. In that address he spoke about the difficulty many have with regards to saving for their retirement, and as always devised a way in which the government can take over another industry because we the American people are just too stupid to know what’s best for us.  

Let’s do more to help Americans save for retirement. Today, most workers don’t have a pension. A Social Security check often isn’t enough on its own. And while the stock market has doubled over the last five years, that doesn’t help folks who don’t have 401(k)s. That’s why ... I will direct the Treasury to create a new way for working Americans to start their own retirement savings: myRA.

We have seen with the "affordable care act" appropriately named Obamacare that when the government takes over an industry it leads to failures on every level, a lack of accountability, and eventually becomes a bureaucratic mess. Remember when we heard "if you like your plan you can keep it?" or "if you like your doctor you can keep him or her?" Yeah, don't we all!! Fast forward to the present day and both of those statements have proven to be complete lies.  So what makes anyone think that a government takeover of the retirement industry would in any way be helpful to the American people?

I'm sure everyone remembers the name Jonathan Gruber... You know the guy who was caught on video speaking about the stupidity of the American voter and how they must make laws like Obamacare so complex in their wording that we the dumb voters wouldn't know what we’re looking at anyway.  Well this moron has ties to the myRA bill as well. 

According to the Agenda for Shared Prosperity

"William Gale, Jonathan Gruber, and Peter Orszag of the Hamilton Project (Gale et al. 2006) have proposed that employers automatically enroll employees in individual accounts, choose appropriate investments, roll funds over when workers leave, and convert lump sums to annuities upon retirement—though workers can opt out of any of these default choices.

The authors also call for converting tax deductions into refundable tax credits. This is the most important but least discussed part of the proposal, probably because it benefits neither the financial industry nor well-off households.

The Hamilton Project plan, if adopted in its entirety, would increase retirement savings and make the system more equitable. But it retains many of the flaws of our current system: workers continue to bear the financial risk of defined-contribution plans and pay high fees to private money managers; participation is not mandatory; employers are not required to extend coverage or make contributions; and workers can continue to access funds for reasons other than retirement."

There you have it!! Jonathan Gruber is part of the gang that is pushing for employers to AUTOMATICALLY ENROLL employees in these individual accounts, choose appropriate investments, roll over funds, and so on. Then he goes on to explain that participation is not mandatory.  So which is it?  Is it mandatory or isn't it? This is more of the contrived language that Gruber was famous for in the Obamacare law.  Their intention is to confuse the shit out of the American voter to the point at which they say screw it and try and believe that the government really does have our best interest in mind. 

Along with the brainchild Johnathan Gruber, we also have another moron in the mix with regards to the myRA debacle.  Her name is Teresa Ghilarducci who according to Wikipedia is a labor economist and internationally-recognized expert in retirement security and is the Irene and Bernard L. Schwartz Chair of Economic Policy Analysis and director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis in the Department of Economics at The New School's New School for Social Research. 

U.S. New and WorldReport calls her a 401(k) foe and the Most Dangerous Woman in America. According to Ghilarducci the government would "spread the wealth" and ensure each and every American who is obligated to pay into the myRA account a return on their investment.  So basically the government will invest your money for you in bonds and guarantee a return on that investment.  But the only thing she’s not telling you is that the government doesn't actually make any money itself.  As a result who would invest your money for you?  

When you go to an accountant or money manager to decide how to invest your money that individual has a vested interest in seeing that you receive a return on your investment.  What is the vested interest for the government to ensure you receive a return on your investment? There is no vested interest because they have your money and if you do not see a return on that investment you have no choice but to live with the consequences.  Additionally if the plan fails who will be left on the hook to pull it out of the doldrums, the tax payer.  As with any other failed government program or policy, the liability inevitably falls on the American tax payer to provide an out for the federal government. 

So while you sit there and watch this pathetic excuse of a president go on TV and make up yet another news headline to hide what is really going on behind the closed doors of the White House, you must keep in mind the famous words of Obama's buddy Rahm Emanual "Never let a crisis go to waste".  This is the perfect analogy to everything this president does. Whether it be a true crisis, or made up news headline to draw public attention away from what is really going on, we must all remain cognizant and keep asking the question what is this president really up to?

-Young Conservative 

#tcot #RedNationRising

Gitmo Detainees Released by Obama May be Linked to Pakistani School Shooting

Sources are reporting that a recently released Gitmo detainee may be responsible or associated with the horrible attack on the Pakistani school today.

According to BBC News,

A senior Pakistani Taliban commander, Latif Mehsud, has reportedly been handed over to Pakistan by the US from Afghanistan. Latif Mehsud was second-in-command to the former Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud. 

Another source titled FrontPageMag reported last week on Obama's release of Pakistani Taliban back into Pakistan, 

"United States officials handed over three Pakistani prisoners to Islamabad on Sunday, one of whom is a senior Taliban commander long sought after by the Pakistani government, security officials said.
Though the US did not identify the detainees, Pakistani sources say the Taliban commander is Latif Mehsud (pictured above), former number two commander in the Pakistani Taliban and close aid of Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike last year.
“TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) senior commander Latif Mehsud who was arrested was handed over to Pakistani authorities along with his guards,” one Pakistani security official said. “They reached Islamabad.”"
While one would like to presume that this is merely a coincidence that shortly after Obama releases a known, high level terrorist back into the wild that such a heinous attack would occur. It is simply unreasonable not to at least take into consideration that the release of the Pakistani Taliban prisoner from Gitmo is in some way, if not directly related to the attack the world witnessed today. 
This is why we must be cognizant of what this president is doing behind closed doors. We must not forget the words of Obama's buddy Rahm Emanuel, "never let a good crisp go to waste." Each time we see the media run to cover something like they did with the ridiculous protests allover the country we must take a step back and look to see what Obama and his administration are really up to! 
-Young Conservative 
#tcot #RedNationRising 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Obama Joke Calling Servicemen "Santa's in Fatigues" Falls Flat

Whike speaking at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Wrightstown, New Jersey, Obama makes a sad and pathetic attempt to get into the holiday spirit while speaking to our service men and women. 

He tries to show gratitude to them and then goes on to explain they are like "Santa's in fatigues" because of how much they give back to the citizens of this country. 

While I agree with the sentiment, it is just abhorrent when this president attempts to act like he cares for those over which he is the commander and chief. 

Following his joke that fell completely flat, he goes in to say, 

“Although I bet one of those C-130’s is a little more efficient then Santa’s sleigh.”

This was met with almost reluctant if  not sarcastic laughter as to mock the president and shown the disdain the troops have for his lack of appreciation for what they do! 

After all who could forget the coffee cup salute. Mr. Obama has it ever occurred to you that these men and women put their lives on the line for our safety and you take them for granted. Maybe it's time you out down the coffee and show them the respect they deserve! 

#tcot #RedNationRising 

Conservative Twitter Bits 12/16

Conservative Bits from

Twitter & Facebook

It really makes you wonder what the true intentions are of this president when you hear Muslim radicals call him out like this. We rarely if ever see him attend church like nearly every previous president and he NEVER condemns the radical Islamic nuts for who they are! 

We must get the names of these senators out now and make it known that they voted for the ridiculous $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that will most likely fund Obama's illegal amnesty action! 

I'm all for protecting people of all religions, races, creeds, but when we see actions like this hashtag that went up following the hostage situation in Sydney it downplays the significance of calling out acts of Islamic terrorism. People around the world are too afraid to call these heinous acts what they are in fear of being labeled "islamophobic"... Would you rather be labeled islamophobic or risk being killed by the people you fail to call out! 

This is utterly ridiculous!! Have people become so detached from society as a result of social media that they fail to realize what is happening here? They are taking "selfies" in front of a hostage situation!! 

The constant push for everyone to be accepting of Islam is really getting to be to much. People do not want to associate with or be subjected to a religion that preaches hatred toward anyone who will not comply with their laws. If Islam was so understanding and was based upon solid moral principles more and more people would be willing to join on their own accord! 

There doesn't appear to be any way on women in Israel! 

Gruber is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mentality of the liberal elite! They all feel the average American citizen really is too stupid to know what is best for him or herself! 

Anyone want to join these freaks and jump on board the Hillary 2016 bandwagon? 
Mr Obama the armed forces do not respect you and they never will!

Young Conservative 
#tcot #RedNationRising 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Conservative Twitter Bits 12/13

Conservative Tweets from Around the Twittershpere 

Is this what our politicians have come to? Is the governor of New York seriously even considering reaching out to freaking Jay-Z for advice on the so called race issue between cops and black people? If they would like to bridge the made up racial divide maybe they should consider promoting abiding by the law! After all its the politicians that people of the Democrat led NYC that enact the ridiculous laws that require cops to antagonize the citizenry! 

So ISIS beheads four Christian CHILDREN... CHILDREN!! Why aren't we hearing about this? Where is the outrage over this? The bias and lack of concern over this is utterly pathetic! 

It's time we replace the monkey humping a football better known as John Boehner what better replacement than Trey Gowdy?!?! 

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Conservative Twitter Bits 12/11

Conservative tweets from around the twittershpere! 

This quote transcends time and is directly relatable to what is going on in this country today as more and more people are joining the recipient class taking what others earn!
This govt absolutely refuses to call Islam out for what it is, a radical religion determined to take over the world and force their way upon the masses!

Crimes like this go on all over the country on a daily basis and we hear nothing of it simply because it doesn't fit the mainstream media and this president's narrative!

The attacks of 9/11 more than justified the interrogation tactics used since then. And even today we should be using the same tactics as these nuts in the middle east continue cutting people's heads off!

These morons are running around all over the country protesting events that took place as a result of people BREAKING THE LAW!! Not to mention the fact that the Mike Brown and Eric Garner cases couldn't be more diametrically opposed to one another!

The individual that is supposed to be leading the charge against Obama and his unconstitutional actions is doing nothing to uphold his own oath!
Yet another bill is making its way through the Senate to provide benefits to illegals! This time they will receive social security even though they clearly haven't been paying into it.
It's only a matter of time before the progressives get on their anti 2nd amendment kick again which is why we must continue to show how concealed carry saves lives!!
Our enemies will do anything including freaking beheading people and we are horrified because they dropped a little water on some terrorists faces!!

I would live to see Senate dems go after ISIS and demand they treat people they capture more humanely rather then bash our CIA tactics!!

And yet again another horrifying case of black on white crime. We will NEVER hear about stories like this simply because it doesn't fit the race baiting agenda of Obama and his buddy Rev Al!

#tcot #RedNationRising 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mr Obama Amnesty Does Not Compare to Christmas

The story of Christmas that we Christians have celebrated for thousands of years has now become a political football as this pathetic president has compared the Christmas season to executive amnesty!

According to Obama, 

“If we’re serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger,” Obama said during an immigration town hall in Nashville.

Being serious about Christmas has nothing to do with accepting those who are in our midst by breaking our laws and coming here illegally! It's sad and pathetic that our president would stoop as low as to take a holiday like Christmas which happens to be one of the most important Christian holidays and use it to promote one of his own illegal, unconstitutional actions! 

Obama then went on to explain, 

“As I said the day that I announced these executive actions that we were once strangers too, and part of what my faith teaches me is to look upon the stranger as part of myself,” he said. “And during this Christmas season that’s a good place to start.

This quote by our glorious leader really takes the cake as he has the nerve to claim that he is Christian when we all know of that he is a closet Muslim as he constantly caters to the Muslim culture by NEVER condemning any of the heinous acts carried out by Muslims on the Christians and Jews around the world! 

One can always look at themselves as a so called "stranger".  That is still no excuse to break a countries laws and then petition that country to accept the fact that the laws have been broken. Breaking laws requires consequences and failing to ensure the consequences are instilled in the law breaker sets a bad precedent. 

Additionally,  when a president takes it upon himself to arbitrarily abide by and enforce laws it again sets a bad precedent that will inevitably backfire on not only his own party when a Republican takes office but on the country as a whole as the president is supposed to be the leader setting the example for the rest of the nation! 

#tcot #RedNationRising 

Conservative Twitter Bits 12/10

Conservative tweets from around the Twittershpere!

Our founding fathers were driven by a faith in God which shaped the nation we live in today!

We are indeed slowly succumbing to the tyranny that has become the United States Government. This is why we need to get back to the Constitutional principles this country was founded upon!

 It's utterly pathetic that we are concerning ourselves with the supposed interrogation tactics used by the CIA during the Bush years. This is a last ditch effort by dems to tarnish Republicans before they leave office!

 God Bless our troops! This #warriorwednesday we should remember those still serving around the world rather than bash them like the dems in office are currently doing with the release of the CIA report!
 These brave men are a few of the greatest generation that have is the freedoms so many take for granted today!

God Bless our Veterans and active duty military!
 Just when you think your have the worst day imaginable remember those who literally put it all on the line in order to preserve our freedoms!
With the "executive amnesty" Obama is pushing for he will effectively obliterate our borders as more and more ILLEGAL will inevitably cross into the United States seeking what he just unlawfully granted to 5 million.

 In the wake of the release of CIA interrogation tactics many Americans are forgetting why those tactics were used in the first place!
Only the liberal progressives would attempt to show any type of empathy for the pathetic Islamic, Muslim nut jobs as they kill countless Christians and Jews!
Gruber gate enters day two as Rep Cynthia Lummis takes the stand and girlls Gruber on how Obamacare failed her husband as he tried to get care through the Obamacare website!

-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising