Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Conservative Twitter Bits 12/16

Conservative Bits from

Twitter & Facebook

It really makes you wonder what the true intentions are of this president when you hear Muslim radicals call him out like this. We rarely if ever see him attend church like nearly every previous president and he NEVER condemns the radical Islamic nuts for who they are! 

We must get the names of these senators out now and make it known that they voted for the ridiculous $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that will most likely fund Obama's illegal amnesty action! 

I'm all for protecting people of all religions, races, creeds, but when we see actions like this hashtag that went up following the hostage situation in Sydney it downplays the significance of calling out acts of Islamic terrorism. People around the world are too afraid to call these heinous acts what they are in fear of being labeled "islamophobic"... Would you rather be labeled islamophobic or risk being killed by the people you fail to call out! 

This is utterly ridiculous!! Have people become so detached from society as a result of social media that they fail to realize what is happening here? They are taking "selfies" in front of a hostage situation!! 

The constant push for everyone to be accepting of Islam is really getting to be to much. People do not want to associate with or be subjected to a religion that preaches hatred toward anyone who will not comply with their laws. If Islam was so understanding and was based upon solid moral principles more and more people would be willing to join on their own accord! 

There doesn't appear to be any way on women in Israel! 

Gruber is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mentality of the liberal elite! They all feel the average American citizen really is too stupid to know what is best for him or herself! 

Anyone want to join these freaks and jump on board the Hillary 2016 bandwagon? 
Mr Obama the armed forces do not respect you and they never will!

Young Conservative 
#tcot #RedNationRising 

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