As this is the case it is becoming more and more important to take the time to really understand what is going on. Things are changing at an extremely rapid pace with regards to the ebola crisis and illegal immigration. We are seeing a constant unending flow of illegal immigrants flooding our border while at the same time we see no actions by the federal to protect us from the possibility that an ebola infected traveler would land on our shore.
The Obama administration has done nothing to restrict travel from the ebola hot zones as it has been left up to the local governors to enact any type of quarantine regulations to keep the general public safe. Their actions have received nearly unanimous approval from the general public whike being greatly critized by the federal government. It's almost as if the federal government is banking on an ebola outbreak within the United States as it would give them free reign to enact all sorts of regulations up to and including martial law.
-Young Conservative
#tcot #RedNationRising
#BanFlights #NoEbolaPatients