Saturday, August 30, 2014
Sanctions Don't Compete With Nuclear Weapons
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
ISIS in Ferguson, Missouri??
Recent photos out of Ferguson, Missouri depict a scary scene from the heart of where the riots are taking place. Not only have there been countless reports of rioting and looting, we have now seen what appears to be a sign showing that "ISIS" has arrived to join the protest.
While one must remain extremely skeptical as to the validity of this sign as chances are this was just some idiotic protester playing what he thought was an ingenious prank. The possibility definitely remains that we do indeed have individuals from ISIS here in this country. Given the disappearance of our southern border it would be awfully easy for ISIS militants to make their way across that border and assimilate into our society.
This is why skepticism is healthy. It keeps everyone on their toes. I'm not condoning paranoia but given the state of this country and the fact that we no longer have a border it is becoming the responsibility of the American citizen to be ever so vigilant for their own safety and we'll being!!
Young Conservative
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Indonesia Declares Outright Ban on ISIS and Their Supporters
IIt's is quite sad when the United States of America isn't able to forcibly declare a ban on a terrorist group like ISIS all the while a country that contains nearly 10% of the world's Muslim population has just done so. Political correctness and the cowardice of the liberal progressive left has lead this country to a point in which they can no longer see evil for what it is.
According to the Christian Post,
"Swearing an oath and pledging allegiance to a foreign nation or part of a foreign nation could make an Indonesian lose his/her citizenship," stated Saifuddin earlier this month."
Would we ever come close to considering this type of action here? The answer is absolutely not because with our open border and the idea that everyone can come here regardless of whether or not your a terrorist has infiltrated the highest office in the land.
Even with a group like ISIS taking over more and more of the middle east, those here in this country still fail to call evil for what it is. Instead we drop a little bit of food and water and a few bombs and call it a day. It's going to take far more than that to defeat the ISIS militants who are securely entrenched in the areas that we once cleared of terrorists.
Young Conservative
Monday, August 11, 2014
ISIS Poses Grave Threat to the Homdland
This is an enemy that must be taken seriously as there have been recent reports of ISIS sympathizers making their way to the United States. A recent report from explains how an ISIS sympathizer was recently arrested at JFK airport in New York City after writing posts on multiple social media sites in support of ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria. Another threat that has gone largely unreported was the recent threat made on Grand Central Station also in New York City. This threat which was also conveniently overlooked explainied that ISIS soldiers will soon march in and around the major transit hub in the heart of Manhatten!
We must also not forget the recent incident that took place on the Brooklyn Bridge also located in New York City in which the American flags that fly atop each post on the bridge were replaced with washed out white versions of the same flags. We have yet to receive a definite answer as to who or what was behind this incident as it has basically
fallen into the black hole known as the major news media cycle. Were these flags a sign of a future attack or a way of the enemy reaching out to sleeper cells already here in the United States? Or were the flags simply placed there by a prankster?
Regardless of why the flags were posted there, it has become quite clear that all signs point to ISIS as a real threat to the homeland. The more our president arbitrarily drops a few bombs here and there, the more he is simply going to piss off the enemy. The United States must defeat the enemy at all costs or suffer the consequences as they will inevitably strike back at us.
Young Conservative